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"Hey, Honey! How are you tonight?" You cooed sweetly to the man in front of you.

"Now that I'm with you, I'm amazing, baby." The tall, dark-skinned man replied. 

You smiled, leaned in closer to him, and bit on his lip. Your hands were on either side of his face, holding him near you. 

You stood up from his lap, and left him wanting more.

That's a job well done.

You were at your lover's nightclub, trying to make him jealous in any way possible. Multiple girls - if you would be nice enough to call them that- were killed by you, because were all over J. You were getting back at him, for letting that happen while he was with you.

"Y/N! Who is this- attractive hunk'a muscle! It seems like you got to know him pretty well, hm?" You swung around at the sweet voice, seeing Joker sitting on the man's lap, just as you were, with a knife held to his neck.

"Yes, J." You weren't phased by this, J would never hurt you, "I like him." You licked your lips seductively and smacked your lips.

"Ooh, Y/N. Trying to make me jealous, are you?" J grunted and slit the man's throat simutaneously.

You nodded, giggled, then frowned, "Oh, baby. I will make you jealous!" 

You just had to try harder. 


This new plan of yours should make Joker's blood boil! Maybe this would result in a death, as it did last time. 

This death would mean something, this death will make yours and J's lives easier. 

You walked directly into the Gotham City Police Department. It was risky, especially without J, but you'll survive.

You shot at officers who saw you. They pulled guns on you, how rude!

A sharp, loud laugh rippled from your throat and you ran out of the densely populated building.

Then you saw it!

Your presence at the department caused the imfamous Bat Symbol to illuminate in the sky! He would be looking for you!

You hid in an alley, and looked at your reflection in broken glass, making sure you looked perfect for Batman.

You had a long, borning, sappy history with Batsy. Long story short, you and him dated for a long while, then you met J, and your life improved from there. Oops. 

"Ah, Y/N. Why'd you have to disrupt the officers' work? You know I'm over you- you shouldn't have demanded my attention like that!" 

Your previous- fling- The Bruce Wayne, stood before you, his deep  voice slithering into your ears uncomfortablely. 

You stood up, and fell into his arms dramatically, "Batsy baby! I- I need you! " You looked up to him, using those persuasive 'puppy dog' eyes.

He rolled his eyes and grunted, "Ugh, Y/N. You know what those eyes do to me."

He kept his grip around you very tight as you reached up and tore off his black mask. 

"Is Joker not treating you like the Queen you are?" His raspy voice chimed. 

"Sure he is!" You smirked, "I just wanted to see you one last time." 

"One last time?" He repeated you, confused. 

You looked over Batsy's shoulder and saw J, with a golden pistol in hand. Joker fired moments later, a bullet flying at the speed of sound. 

You kissed Bruce's cheek. leaving a large, red lipstick stain. Then you jumped out of the way and threw your arms in the air, bouncing up and down excitedly. 

"Y/N- " Bruce tried to reach out to you but J's bullet was too quick, and he was shot in the back.

You laughed as he fell to the ground, and pulled out your own gun.

Batsy looked up to you, obviously pleading for help.

"Oh, Batsy, you know what those eyes do to me!" You mocked his previous statement with your best impression of him, cackling all the way through.

You pushed the barrell of your gun against his skull, and pulled the trigger.

"Bye, Bye Batsy!" 

"Y/N, baby." J ran up to you, and threw loving arms around your waist, "You did it."

"I made you jealous!" You laughed once again, and hugged him. 

"You're all mine." He pulled back, then crashed his lips with yours.

"Of course I am, Puddin'! Always and forever." 

You stood in J's embrace, showing your love to him. 

"Batman's dead!" J kicked the lifeless body near him, and laughed, content with this moment.

wc: 756

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