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They surrounded you. walking toward you in all directions. Their wounds were promient, as if they wanted you to see. They wanted you to suffer, the same fate you inflicted upon them.

You tried to fight them off, kicking, scratching. But nothing happened, nothing stopped. You were cornered with no escape.

"Stop! I'm sorry!" You pleaded, something you haven't done in so long.

Tears streamed down your face as you curled up into a ball, buring your face in your knees.

You were a goner, this much you knew, but still, you cried out and begged the 'enemy' for mercy.

A man, gray in color, flesh rotting as if he was decomposing, came so incredibly close to you. So close you could feel his breath against your cheek. He lifted his tangled, ratty hair only to reveal a hole. A hole in his forehead that was oozing blood.

Then you remembered. You had shot that man on the streets, the night Joker had gotten angry with you, more than usual.

Then a woman, a naked woman with slashes across her body and bruises on her wrists and ankles, looked to you, growling. You and Joker shared her, killed her, just for the sheer adrenaline rush you felt while taking others' lives.

It happened over and over; dead victims gazing into your eyes and you remembering their last moments.

You screamed, screamed so very loud.


You shot up out of bed, still screaming.

"Y/N?" Joker sat up too, his tattooed chest becoming visable as the satin blanket fell.

You said no words, just blinked rapidly and panted in attempt to catch your breath.

"Bad dream, huh?" He said, as if this was normal.

You nodded and fell into him, his arms wrapping around you, pulling you close.

"It was everyone we- I've killed."

He frowned down at you, "You're okay, Y/N. We're okay." He rubed your shoulders, causing a smile to creep onto your face.

"Have a good dream now, will ya?" He chuckled lightly, kissed your head, and fell back onto his pillow.

A/N: I haven't updated in 700 years, but I'm back! I hope you enjoyed!

wc: 340

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