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You were the owner of a tattoo shop in Gotham, and the day was the same as any other. Managing  your company's money, filling tattoo needles, and inking customers were the only events that took place for you.

You were cleaning a chair, where ink had spilled earlier. You were then distracted when you heard the bell chime of the door.

"Hello!" You said cooly, setting your cleaning supplies down and strolling up to the counter.

A man, about your age, stood before you. His skin was very pale, and he had vibrant green hair. He didn't have a shirt on, just a long coat. He had tattoos on his chest and face, so you knew you wouldn't have to worry about hurting him while he was 'under your needle'.

"How can I help you?" You said quietly, still looking at the ink on his chest.

He nodded and pulled his coat off, leaving the upper half of his body bare, "Do you think you could fill this one in? It's fading." He pointed to skin on his shoulder, where a beautiful inking of playing cards sat. He was correct, it did seem faded.

"Sure. That's easy enough." You smiled and turned around, "Just this way." You patted a clean chair and he layed back on it.

"Are you going to do it?" He asked as he saw you sit next to him and pick up black ink in a needle.

"Yeah, It's just me here right now." You replied, not looking up to him. 

"Thank God. I'd rather a hot chick like you over some old creep." He chuckled and shimmied around in the chair in order to get comfortable.

You blushed lightly, "I'll take that as a compliment. Now, let's get this started." You turned on the small machine that controlled your needle and began to fill in the tattoo.


After about a hour or so, you finished the tattoo, and you switched off the needle.

"All done, sweetie." You joked, and poked him.

He looked down at his skin, "It's amazing, thank you." 

You smiled, "Of course, that's what I do, Joker." You said, refrencing his most promient ink.

He looked up to you and smirked lightly, "So, Miss I'm-an-amazing-tattoo-artist, What ya say we go out sometime? You know to 'discuss tattoos.'" He used air quotes on his words and shrugged.

"Sure, that'd be great." You placed your hand on his and gave it a little squeeze, "You know you still have to pay for this, right?" You tapped the newly inked flesh, knowing it would sting.

He didn't even react to your touch, "Not even after offering a date?" 

"Nope, I don't crack that easy." You laughed lightly.

"Oh, okay, honey." He threw you some money and grabbed your arm. He picked up a pen from your table and wrote numbers on you.

"My number. Use it." He patted his writing and left the buliding, leaving you smiling wildly.

wc: 485

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