Chapter Two-Intrigued

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Looking up at the same bar I had been interviewed at three weeks ago, I grew more nervous. It was 6:30 and it was my shift. Pushing the door open, I instantly realized I didn't belong here. Everyone turned around, taking one look at me, laughing then turning back to their drinks that they were enjoying earlier.

Everyone in here, without a doubt had tattoos or piercings. I slowly wondered over to the back of the bar. "What are you doing?", A tall, large man asked from me hind the bar. "I-uh I work here", I stuttered, my nervousness getting the best of me.

"Your name?", He asked, eyes narrowed. "G-Grace, Grace Lavelle", I told him. "Oh, Grace! Welcome aboard love", he grinned, surprising me. "Thanks", I forced a smile, making my way round the back. "If you just go round the back, you can pop your bag down, don't worry, you'll love it here!", He grinned, gesturing to a back room.

I nodded, following his instructions. I put my bag down, along with my coat, returning back into the main bar. "Hey", Someones voice sounded from behind me. I spun on my heel to see a girl. She looked about my age. She had long blonde hair, tied into a bun on the top of her head, along with a bandana wrapped around her head.

She had eyebrow piercings, nose piercings, lip piercings- you name it. She had multiple tattoos too, just like everyone else in this bar. "Hello", I smiled. "I'm Melanie, but call me Mel", She told me. I offered her a hand shake, but instead she pulled me into a hug. 

"I'm here to help you around the bar. Basically you just go up to someone who's waiting to order, ask what they want, get what they want. They hand you the money and you give them the drink. You can give the money to me or Charlie and we'll put it in the till", She explained. I was assuming Charlie was the bald large guy, that I had just talked to earlier.

"Okay, thanks", I nodded. This was going to be a new and slightly different experience. I could feel every ones eyes on me, as I slowly strode behind the bar. Before spotting someone who was waving their hand at me. Rude. I hesitantly wondered over to them. 

"Yeah I'll have a pint of beer", The man asked. "Okay", I nodded, still confused what to do, but I soon found the pint glass, filling it with beer, coming from the tap. I had no experience in serving out drinks at all, I was totally the wrong person to hire for this job and that's coming from me, urgent for any job possible.

I spun on my heel, handing it back to him. He paid me the money, which I then gave to Mel who was beside me, observing. "You'll get used to it", She promised me, while filling a glass of an unknown substance up. I suppose I'd have to get used to it.

As the day went on, I was beginning to get sick and tired of the strong stench of alcohol. I could feel a headache forming and I was extremely tired. I had about one hour of my shift left, which I was grateful for. Thankfully, I could actually say, I was getting better at this. Remembering peoples orders and fulfilling their needs for the alcohol beverage they were so in need of.

It was now ten and every time someone opened that door, I shivered at the dark night sky, along with the chilly breeze that drifted in from outside. Everyone who walked in had a tattoo-I was positive. Even if it was hiding under a piece of clothing, I was sure they had a tattoo. 

I was beginning to get a feeling that I was far too innocent for this job, everyone in here seemed so tough, with tattoos and piercings, whereas I feel so small around them all, lingering behind the bar on my own, with Mel to guide me, telling me what to do. Apologizing to the customers on my behalf, due to my slowness and nervousness. I knew I wasn't fit for this job, so I began to wonder why I took it up at all. Just something inside me, told me to grab it while I could. By the look on every ones faces, they expected some fierce girl, with tattoos and piercings to walking in a serve them, except they got a shy, innocent confused girl, who had no idea what to do or where to go.

The door opened, knocking me out of my thoughts. My head shot up, eyeing the man who had just walked in. I couldn't help but furrow my brows. There was something strange about him. Something, almost absurd. There was something about him, that intimidated me. His tall, lean body, making his way towards the bar. He had a black coat on, blending with his black jeans and black t-shirt. You could tell by his piercings and tattoos that covered his neck that he was just like all the others in this bar, but I somehow had a keen interest in him, that just dragged me towards him, wanting to know more about him, wanting to know who he is, what he's like. Why he looks so intimidating. I wanted to know his story and I had only just glanced at him. He probably thinks I'm crazy, staring at him.

A sudden boost of confidence buried deep within me, urged me to walk towards him, to serve this mysterious guy, with the brown curly hair and dark, green eyes that held a story. "Hello, how may I help you?", I chimed, looking up towards the male, who looked a couple of years older than me, defiantly in his 20's. A smirk filled his features, beginning to worry me. Wishing I hadn't walked up here and left it for Mel or Charlie to serve him.

"And you are?", he wondered. His voice sounded rude. He seemed big headed and I already regretted walking over here. "That doesn't concern you", I spat, my voice sounding weaker than I intended. "I'm Harry, and you are?", He wondered again, which caused me to grow even more angrier, the way he was treating me like so child.

"Grace! Now what do you want!", I snapped, frowning. "Well, Grace. I wouldn't mind if you gave me your number", he winked, I could feel the nauseous hitting me. He was the same as all these big headed dicks nowadays. "Stop acting like a bastard and tell me what drink you want!", I snapped. His eyes widened, shocked by my sudden outburst, just as shocked as I was. I had no idea what had gotten into me, just something about him caused my anger to boil up inside of me.

"Ooh feisty too, I heard girls like you are good in bed", He grinned. It took all my willpower not to slap him round the face, I bit my lip, holding back the foul words I wanted to scream at him. "I'll have a vodka", He finally decided on his drink. I sighed with relief, spinning on my heel to retrieve a glass, pouring the vodka into it.

I handed it back to him and he gave me the money. "So, are you sure you don't want my number?", He wondered. I shook my head. "You'll be missing out", He teased. "Piss off", I growled, crossing my arms. He held his hands up. "Wow, I'm sorry I was just asking", He defended, laughing slightly.

"Okay, now you've asked, you can stop speaking to me", I told him, rolling my eyes at his sickening attitude. "Whatever you say sweetheart. I was just wondering", He told me, which made my anger boil, once again. I wanted to say something to him, but I felt as if my mouth was glued shut. I couldn't speak. I couldn't tell him what I wanted to say. I couldn't be the confident, smart girl I always dreamed of, it just wasn't me.

I was beginning to feel uncomfortable around him and I was sure many people could see this, including Mel. She wondered over to us. "Is there a problem?", She asked. "Mel! Long time no see", Harry grinned, only to earn a cold glare from Mel. I could feel the tension in the air, so I stumbled backwards not wanting to interrupt them.

"What do you want, Harry?", She asked, the venom clear in her voice. "I just came in for a couple of drinks", Harry replied innocently. "Ok, whatever", She rolled her eyes in sarcasm. "Why the sarcasm Melanie?", He asked. Mel's jaw tensed. "it's Mel! and the sarcasm is because you only came in here because you heard there was new bartender and you just wanted to grab her while you could, so you can fuck off now because she doesn't want you", Mel growled at him, earning a few looks.

"I'm afraid I've not finished my drink", harry replied, holding his drink up. Mel walked away from him, so I decided I should too. It's only my first day and it's already quite stressful. I don't know anything about Harry and what he's like, but I decided it couldn't be good. Something just drew me towards him though, I couldn't help it.

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