Chapter Twenty Six-Broken apologies

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When I woke up the next morning, I still felt like an absolute dick. The anger from yesterday was still there and I knew I should probably go to the gym to let it out but I wanted to apologize to Grace before. I vaguely remember last night. As soon as I got in the door, I remember kicking the Christmas tree over. The ornaments had all smashed, except the star on top that Grace had picked out. The one she said was her favourite. I ran a hand over my face and decided to have a shower. To wash all this anger away.

As soon as I was dressed, I knew I was going to end up at Grace's apartment, begging her for an apology. I walked straight out of my apartment, locking the door and jogging down the steps to my car. I knew I should've stopped and gone to the gym, but I couldn't help it I wanted to see her. She was in such a state last night. She was literally screaming at me. I didn't blame her though, I would scream at myself too. I was such a dickhead and I knew everyone was shocked by Grace's outburst, she isn't usually like that.

I started the engine and reversed out of the parking lot. I wasn't quite sure what I was doing, even why I was doing this. Normally if I'd hurt a girls feelings I would just leave them to it and fuck another girl. Grace was right, I was heartless. However, this time I wanted to apologize. it was different with Grace, she meant more to me than any over girl. Yesterday everything just got to my head, I had a reputation to keep and that's why I wasn't truthful towards Grace when everyone was around. I was known as the 'Bad boy with no feelings, who fucks every girl possible'. I've never really had a girlfriend before and if Grace became mine, it would be such a drastic change, I just don't think I'd be able to handle it.

I pulled into the parking lot outside her apartment. Stopping the engine, I stayed in the car for a little while, figuring out what to say, wondering whether I should just go now or not. Before I could pussy out, I opened the door, slamming it behind me. Walking up towards Grace's apartment block. I took the lift up to her floor, taking this time to clear my head and figure out what to say to her.

When the lift doors opened, I stepped out, wanting to turn back away, seeing Rose locking the door of her apartment. When she turned around and saw me, she frowned. "If you're going to go and beg for an apology from Grace, I suggest you don't waste your time", She mumbled. "Look...Rose? I was a dick yesterday and I realize that, I just want to let her know I'm sorry",I admitted. "How is she supposed to believe you, you've done it twice already, how is she going to trust you?", She asked me all these questions. 

"I-I don't know", I sighed. "Well, I suggest you get your act together because Grace is a lovely girl and you don't deserve her", She told me, stepping in the lift. Her words, really burnt through me. 'You don't deserve her'.  Of course I don't, she can do much better, but I want her for myself. I don't want to see her with another boy. I want her. I need her.


My head still hurt from all the crying yesterday. I hadn't got dressed today, I had no makeup on either. My mother was surprisingly making me tea. "Here you go", She handed it to me, I set it on the table, staring at the blank TV screen. "I really think you should get dressed Grace, it's not hygienic to stay in your pyjamas all day", She told me. I just rolled my eyes ignoring her. She was making my headache even worse.

Last night, when I got home, I quite literally passed out after just about getting my pyjamas on. It was all a lot for me to handle, too much for me to handle. I couldn't stop thinking about last night. Everything just built up inside of me and I had to let it out, I had to tell him what I thought. It was hurting me, slowly tearing me down one by one. I liked him, I really did and knowing he didn't feel the same way, it hurt a lot. he was leading me on. He gave me the impression that he actually liked me. 

I had told myself that I wasn't going to forgive him, even though I really wanted to I knew I couldn't. I had to stand my ground. I just didn't understand why he was so embarrassed of me. Why was he letting me stay round his, taking me on dates if he found me embarrassing. He really did know how to play with a girls feelings and crush them afterwards.

When there was a knock at the door, I groaned. I couldn't be bothered with people today, I didn't want their help to make me feel better. Nothing would make me feel better. "I'll get it", My mum told me, but I stopped her. "No, I will", I yawned, slowly stumbling to the door. I opened it up to reveal Harry. I wanted to shut it right in his face, but I restrained from doing so. I stared at him blankly, knowing I looked a mess.

"Who is it?", My mother asked, walking up behind me. "Oh god! Not that druggie, I suggest you leave", She told him. "Mum, can you give us a second?", I begged her, turning around. She rolled her eyes, but agreed, making her way into my bedroom. "What do you want Harry?" I asked him when he didn't say anything. 

"I just wanted to apologize Grace, I'm really fucking sorry", He told me, his eyes glistening. "Sorry isn't good enough, i'm not just going to forgive you. I've done that before and you're obviously just going to do it again", I spoke, wanting him to just leave It was hard for me to say, but it had to be done. "Grace, I'm not going to do it again, I promise you", He begged. I just shook my head, refusing to believe him. "The thing is Harry, if I were working today, you wouldn't have come up to me and told me this, you wouldn't have begged for an apology, because you don't like to be seen with me", I spat. 

He didn't reply. "Would you?", I asked him again. He licked his lips and shook his head."Exactly Harry, now just fuck off!", I slammed the door in his face and locked it, sitting back on the sofa. My emotions were getting jumbled up, he was confusing me. I needed a moment to just clear my head. I had so much going on Christmas was less than a week away and I still hadn't got any presents for anyone.

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