Chapter Twenty-Embarrassment

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"You never told me what happened back at the party yesterday", Mel reminded me. "Mel it was nothing", I tried to reassure her, just ignoring her. "Grace you were in tears, I don't want to see one of my best friends in tears, just tell me what's going on?", She questioned once again. "It's nothing for you to worry about, just something silly that no one needs to know", I sighed, slightly agitated, glad that my shift was over in ten minutes.

"How come Miles knows?", She then asked, arms crossed. "He doesn't know", I raised my eyebrow, confused. "Well it seems like he knows a lot more than me, I'm closer to you, just tell me for god sake Grace! I can maybe help you!", She snapped, obviously angry. I rolled my eyes. "It's nothing relevant to you, you don't need to know, Miles was just there at the right times to find out what it was and I'm sure even he thinks it's a silly thing. It was just stupid and pathetic", I sighed, glad the pub wasn't busy today, because if it was, people would be wondering what was going on with Mel and I, we'd have an audience.

I began to serve people, keeping myself busy so I wouldn't have to interact with Mel. She was looking at me an uneasy stare. I didn't want her to find out that I had broken her promise to stay away from Harry. I promised her, I told her that I wouldn't go near him, but I did and I was starting to regret it. Mel was right, of course Mel was right. I just don't understand why I didn't see that in the beginning. He was just so tempting, so intriguing, he just somehow, pulled me towards him.

I shot a smile at the woman who handed me the money, putting it in the cash register. I tucked a loose piece of hair behind my ear and turned round, only to face Mel. "W-When you left, I went up to the conservatory to see what got you so upset. I-I saw Harry and Nicole there. Harry literally threw Nicole off, of him to catch you up Grace", Mel's voice was more of a mumble than a whisper. I swallowed hard, squeezing my eyes closed.

"I watched him run after you, then I knew something must be going on between you two. That's when I realized that you broke my promise", She whispered the last bit. "It was something to do with him, I had suspicions, but I hoped they weren't true, but obviously they were. There's something going on with you and Harry", She whispered almost in disbelief. "You promised me Grace", She reminded me, her eyes glistening with water.

"L-look, I have to go", I quickly told her, making my way round the back and retrieving my coat and bag, refusing to speak to Mel. "We're still on for the gym right?", Jade asked, seeing me rushing to go. "oh, yeah", I told her, waiting for her to get her coat on. She grabbed her bag and we left round the back, making our way to her silver car.

"It'll be good to have a nice work out, take your mind off, of yesterday", She smiled, starting up the engine. Jade was unaware what had happened yesterday but she knew better than to ask me. I was glad she didn't ask me, I couldn't be dealing with another lecture about how Harry isn't right for me, or how he's 'dangerous' or 'evil'. I've just had enough of all of it. Don't you think I've already realized that he's not right for me.

When Jade pulled up outside the gym, I was finally glad to get away from all of the drama that was happening. I just wanted to have a nice work out, get home and have a long, hot shower. Once Jade had parked, we both got out, taking our bags with us, so we could get changed into our gym clothes. Jade locked the car door and we walked down to the gym, laughing while Jade told me the funny story of what had happened at the party last night. "I wasn't even drunk and he was way too forward!", She defended, giggling.

"You know what your problem is Grace?", She stated. "What's my problem?", I turned to face her, eyebrow raised. "You don't go to enough parties", She told me, rolling her eyes. "I'm glad I don't go to a lot of parties", I admitted. "Why's that?", She asked. "Because I don't like parties, I'm not a party girl and I'll never be one",I  admitted, it  was true. "You haven't even lost your virginity yet, I bet if you'd of stayed with me, you would've lost your virginity on that night. There were a lot of hot guys", Jade smirked. "Jade, I haven't lost my virginity yet because I'm waiting for the right person. I don't just want to chuck it away just like that", I sighed.

"It's an amazing feeling when you do loose it though", Jade whispered. "I bet", I rolled my eyes, not really wanting to talk about this. "Yes, god! You feel like such a woman", She went on and on, but abruptly stopped when she turned the corner. My eyes widened, seeing Harry stand there. He was leaning against the wall, a cigarette in his mouth. He had a small smile on his lips. "Grace!", He called, dropping the cigarette to the ground and stomping on it. I turned to Jade for help, but she just stood there, unsure what to do. I decided to walk straight past him, but that didn't work when he grabbed my wrist, pulling me back towards him. 

"Grace, can you just listen to me", he almost begged. I rolled my eyes, sighing. "What!"

"Just let me apologize", It came out more of a question than a statement. "For what Harry?", I asked, wondering if he even knew why I was upset. He looked at Jade uneasily, then at the ground. That's when I got it, that's when I got the whole thing. Every detail added up, I shook my head eyes wide.

"Harry, why are you always so, so nice to me when it's just us two but whenever you're with your friends, or someone else is around, you act like a complete dick!", I snapped, he opened his mouth to answer but I didn't let him. "I presume if Jade wasn't here, you'd be pulling me into a hug, or-or begging me to stay round your house like you did the other week. I figured it out now. I'm an embarrassment to you aren't I!", I frowned shaking my head. "No Grace-", he began but I cut him off yet again. "No Harry! Just fuck off!", I growled, making my way into the gym, Jade following shortly behind me.

"You went round his house and you still haven't lost your virginity!", Jade's eyes widened, attempting to lighten the mood. I just rolled my eyes, forcing on a smile.

Might do a double update because this is quite a short one, thanks so much for almost 800 reads, wow. Please comment and vote, it would mean a lot, thank you

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