Chapter Four-Scared

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I eyed myself in the full length mirror, scrunching my nose up at what I was wearing. It was the Halloween party tonight and Mel had claimed that we had to wear something, slutty I guess you could say. if she hadn't told me that I probably would've turned up in  a full gown, with red blood splattered over it and my hair back combed.

Instead, I had gone with the classic 'Slutty Cat' look. When I was younger I loathed people who dressed as a slutty cat and now i'm just being a hypocrite, with a short, black dress, along with some white knee high socks and high heels. I had found some cat ears and had drawn on a nose and whiskers to complete the look. I felt uncomfortable wearing this but this was the only way I was going to fit in, so I had no choice. 

My hair had been left, flowing down my shoulders. Sighing, I collected my stuff, pulling my coat on and was ready to go. I unlocked the door, stepping outside and locking it again. As I turned around, I jumped back, frightened by Mrs Fall,my neighbour. She was quite elderly, around about 70. "Hello dear, where are you off to?", She wondered.

"A Halloween party", I explained. "Thought so", She smiled, unlocking her door. "Well have fun sweetie and don't be bringing any boys back", She laughed causing me to, too. Once she shut the door, I took off down the stairs. I had been in this flat for a week and a bit and had already learned that Mrs Fall was probably the nicest person in the building. Everyone else were either moody, miserable cows or there was the drug addicts who held parties in their flat every night and smoked weed every now and again.

It was freezing cold outside and I wasn't looking forward to walking to the party. Mel said she would've given me a lift, but she wanted a drink. I didn't have enough money for a taxi there and back and I also couldn't drive myself due to my obliviousness to where the party was actually being held. So Mel had told me to meet her at the bar and we would walk there together. She hadn't told me what her costume was, which made me feel slightly self conscious, just in case she was dressed in something slightly more, appropriate than me.

The cold October air gave me chills as I walked down the street. The only sound was the click of my heels hitting the pavement, everywhere else was silent. The night dawning in on us. There weren't many people around, which relieved me,due to the small, skimpy dress I was wearing, showing a lot of flesh.

Finally getting to the bar, I could see Mel from a mile away, she was wearing a bright red dress, with some devil horns and very, extreme makeup. "Hey!",She grinned, pulling me into a hug. I returned it, giving her a smile. "You ready for this, because it's going to be a wild night, trust me", She giggled, leading the way to the party.

As we neared the house it was being held at,I could begin to hear the loud music, already it was giving me a headache. Mel gave me a reassuring smile, walking up to the door and opening it. The smell of smoke and different kinds of alcohol exited the house, causing me to cough. I knew I wasn't going to like this party at all.

As soon as Mel and I stepped inside, there were tons of eyes on us. I felt uncomfortable, feeling like there was someone there, watching our every move. Mel led me into the kitchen where it was less crowded and where I could finally breath. Free from the blocked up atmosphere, clogged with sweaty bodies and alcohol.

"Want a drink?", Mel asked, pouring herself a glass of something unknown. "Uh, no, I'm fine", I reassured her as she began to drink her alcohol. "Why not Grace, come on, live a little", She rolled her eyes, showing me a glass bottle of some kind of cider. "No", I shook my head. She sighed, pouring me a cup anyway and handing it to me.

"Try it, let loose a little!", She encouraged me. I sighed, pressing the cup to my lips and taking one sip. The taste slipped straight down my throat, giving me chills. It was nice, just stronger than I expected. I forcefully gave her a smile, showing her that I was enjoying the party, when really I wasn't and just wanted to be curled up on the sofa, or in bed, watching a film.

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