Thirty Seven-Violence

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These past few weeks all I was thinking about was how there was a possibility that I could have a brother. It wouldn't leave my mind. Harry would always ask me what was wrong but I never let him know. I didn't want to, it wasn't vital for him to know. Just me and me only. I could sort this out myself, I didn't need Harry to help me.

I realized it was Harry's birthday soon but I had gotten caught up in work and rebuilding my friendship with Mel. She still wouldn't talk to me, even when I thanked her about helping Harry find me. She just gave me a soft nod and walked the other way. I wanted to be friends again. It was silly thing to argue about. I know I broke my promise and betrayed her but we didn't have to fight about it. She gave me the silent treatment as she has been for a very long time now and it's killing me.

I needed Mel to help me with things like picking out a present for Harry. I wanted her to be a best friend to me, the kind where I could tell her about how I may have a brother, tell her about how Harry is and what we've done together. That's what real friends did, but I couldn't. I didn't have her for that, she had already gone.

Miles had talked to her for me but she just shook her head, telling him that I obviously didn't need her as a friend because I had Harry. Truth is, I can't tell Harry half as much as the stuff I would like to tell my best friend. You're meant to trust your best friend, tell them everything and I really wanted Mel to be that person but she won't be, all because of a stupid boy who I cared about, alot.

Harry had told me that he didn't want me to get him a present but I really wanted to. I wanted to get him a thoughtful present that he could keep forever but I had no idea what. I finished work around 5pm and went into town to look around for some presents that I could get him. 

Town was quite busy for a Thursday. I took my time, looking in each shop picking up things, admiring things but there was absolutely nothing that would fit Harry's personality. I sighed in defeat every time I exited a shop. There was absolutely nothing and it broke my heart, I wanted to get him something but I just had no clue what.

As I wondered onto the bus, I made my way to the back of it, avoiding everyone and slipping the ear buds of my earphones into my ears. I zoned out, listening to the sound of songs I loved, flood through my ears. I still hadn't got over the fact that Harry could sing. If I heard correctly, I was sure he could. I wanted to ask him about it but I didn't know how to.

He would find it creepy that I was listening to him. I wanted him to know that I knew. I wanted him to sing to me. His voice would melt so softly in my ears as he stroked my hair, my head rested on his chest. His voice would be quiet and gentle. Rough and sweet. I bit my lip at the thought but shook it off. I really needed to sort out Harry's present, I had a lot on my mind lately. Whether it was about having a brother or Harry's present, there was always something that I was worrying about.

I noticed that the bus had stopped at my bus-stop. The bus-stop was near the pub, so it wasn't a long walk. I got off, thanking the driver and continued to listen to my music on the way home. Although I could hear nothing, I felt the presence of something cold, something bad and frightening. I swallowed hard and picked up my pace, wanting to hurry home, yet the presence of something or someone was irritating me.

When the same seek, black car slowly pulled up behind me, I picked up my pace, almost running away. Who was in that car and what the hell did they want. I heard loud voices over the music that was playing in my ears. I frowned, taking an ear bud out to get a closer listen. It sounded as if it was taking place in a allyway I had to pass up ahead.

Swallowing hard, I noticed that the black car had gone. I sighed with relief, however when I did pass the alleyway that relief sunk. There Harry was, his face was cut, blood pouring from it. Harry had hold of the guys top, he had him pressed up against the wall and it didn't take me long to realize that the guy was Kye. Harry hadn't noticed me, none of them had. Kye had company, two friends they were trying to stop Harry but it wasn't working.

I couldn't quite hear what Kye was saying but whatever it was, it was definitely winding Harry up. Kye said something and that's what got Harry, he slammed Kye's head against the brick wall and I screamed. "Harry!", I shouted running towards him and pulling him away from punching Kye. 

"What the hell are you doing!", I screamed at him. He didn't say anything, he listened to me though, stepping away from Kye's body. Blood was pouring from Kye's head and both his friends were knelt down trying to stand him up since Harry had knocked him down. Harry's lips were pressed in a thin line, knowing I was angry at him.

"You idiot, you fucking idiot", My eyes were wide, in disgust, shock. "I'm sorry", He mumbled. I shook my head, he had to stop with this violence. "Listen to Grace. You know I think you should ditch him, I'm always available", Kye's words were slurred, he was still trying to wind Harry up after Harry had split his head open.

I pulled Harry back before he could move towards him. "Fuck you Kye!", I shouted at him, pushing Harry forwards so we could get back to my apartment. We didn't talk the whole way back. I had too much on my mind and I needed to clear my head. 

As soon as we stepped inside my apartment, I lead Harry over to the sink, grabbing his large hand in mine and washing the stained blood off his knuckles. He winced in pain when the cold water hit the cut. I used my fingers, to softly brush the blood away, hoping I wasn't too hard on him.

I found a tea towel and wet it under the sink, dabbing the cut just below his eyes. "Ow", He mumbled. I rolled my eyes, standing on my tip-toes so I could see it clearer. Harry wrapped his hands around my waist, but I wiggled away. "No Harry", I muttered, concentrating on clearing up his cut. Harry sighed, knowing I was pissed off at him.

He knows I don't like his violence and I'm not just going to put up with it. Once the blood was cleared from his face, I threw the towel in the washing machine, turning to him."Why?", I raised my eyebrow. "Sorry, I'm really sorry", He apologised. "Why did you do it Harry?", I asked him, slipping my coat off. "He was really fucking winding me up and I'd had enough of it, he knew it was coming", Harry explained.

"Where were you even going?", I wondered. "To see you, I wanted to give you something", He smiled lightly. "What?", I beamed, excited. My anger slowly died down, I couldn't stay mad at him. I just had to let it slip. "Okay, one second", He told me, turning me around so I couldn't see him. I groaned but waited impatiently anyway.

When cold metal hit my chest, I gasped it making me jump. I smiled soon after realizing it was his paper plane pendent. "W-why are you giving this to me?", I asked him, speechless. "Because you like it and well you can have it", He explained. "But it's your Grandad's, I can't just take it", I frowned. He licked his lips. "I want you to have it", His voice was soft and subtle.

I pulled him into a hug, smiling into his neck. "Thank you", I mumbled my eyes shut. That's when I realised that I really did care for him a lot more than I thought I did.

Sorry this is short and I haven't updated in a while, thanks so much for voting and commenting, it means a lot. Thanks for reading, ily!

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