Chapter Eighteen-Double D

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It took us all night to decorate the tree, making it perfect. It was a lot of fun, it made me realize what I had missed out on when I was a child. All the jolly Christmas music and the memories and laughs you'd share with your family. I had missed out on all of that. Instead I got all the arguments, parents acting like I wasn't even there. Just ignoring my pleas for them to stop arguing. Taking the small present in my hand and not opening it. Not opening it because I was afraid that if I did, everything would blow. The arguments would be louder, they would ignore me even more. I just wished to have a normal childhood, but I didn't and I'll never get that back.

Laying here now in Harry's bed, all them memories seemed so distant from me. So faint, like they were slowly fading and I was glad that they were. I didn't want a constant reminder of the horrible childhood I had. I couldn't wait to forget them. I couldn't wait until I could call those dark memories a past.

"Morning babe", Harry's voice croaked, turning to me. I gave him a weak smile, which caused him to frown. "What's wrong?", He asked, holding himself up with his elbow. "Nothing, just tired", I reassured him, retrieving my phone from the desk and unlocking it. The time read 10:40, which caused me to gasp.

"Shit, I have work in 20 minutes", I mumbled, shooting out of bed, however, Harry had different plans, pulling me back in by my wrist. He wrapped his arms around my waist, whispering in my ear. "You're not going anywhere". I rolled my eyes. "Harry this isn't funny, I need to go", I told him, struggling to escape from his strong, firm grip. "Seriously Harry!", I snapped, trying my hardest to pull his hands away from my waist. "Harry, I really don't want to get fired and it will be your fault if I do", I told him, giving up on trying to escape, seeing as he was extremely strong.

"Just don't leave me yet", He whined in to my ear, placing a kiss on my cheek. "Harry, I'm going to work not fucking Australia", I sighed. He still wouldn't let go, he just rested there in silence, holding me tight. I leaned down to his hands, biting them. "Fuck Grace, what was that!", Harry jolted from his trance, letting go of me. "I'm sorry but I need to go", I told him once again, getting out of his bed. He pulled me back again, this time he began to tickle me. "No!", I screamed bursting into fits of laughter. "Stop Harry!", I giggled, trying to escape his hands, rolling around on the bed. He was tickling my sides, causing me to scream kicking my legs.

The tickling finally stopped when I fell off the bed onto the floor. "Shit Grace, are you okay?", Harry asked, concerned, leaning over the side of the bed, "Yes", I giggled. "Oh, nice view of your arse", He told me, winking. I quickly scrambled to my feet, pulling the jumper of Harry's down. "Do you think my leggings and underwear are dry?", I asked Harry. "Probably", He mumbled. Last night, I put my panties, leggings and bra to be washed and Harry had to lend me some of his boxers, If I was honest they were quite comfortable. 

"I'm going to take a quick shower if you don't mind", I told Harry, making my way into the bathroom. "Course I don't", he called through. I shut the door and took Harry's jumper and boxers off, tying my hair up into a bun. I got in the shower, quickly washing my body with the coconut body wash. I stayed in there for about five minutes, in a daze. That's until a knock at the bathroom door sounded. "Yeah?", I called, opening the shower curtain and stepping out, wrapping a towel around me.

"Can I come in?", Harry asked. "Well not really, I just got out of the shower and-", I began but got cut off by Harry opening the door. He walked in wearing my bra. "Harry!", I laughed, tilting my head back. Harry smiled, taking it off. "Ah, a double D", He read out loud, he looked up towards me smirking. "Don't mind if I do", He winked. My cheeks tinted red with embarrassment. "Harry, give me my bra", I begged of him. He laughed handing it to me. 

"No need to get embarrassed, double D's a good thing", He told me, backing out of the bathroom. "And I suppose you're wearing my panties too", I asked, slightly irritated and still embarrassed. "No, they're on the bed", He pointed to it, walking out of the room, letting me get changed. I walked over to the bed to see my leggings laid out, along with my panties and Harry's teenage runaway jumper. A small smile crept onto my lips and I got changed, keeping my hair in a bun.

"You ready?", Harry asked as I walked out of his bedroom and into the kitchen. "Indeed I am", i told him, grabbing my bag. I followed Harry out of his flat and down to the car park. He unlocked his car and I got in the passenger seat. I decided to do my makeup in the car, seeing as it would be easier and quicker. So when Harry did start the engine, I got my makeup out, it was like a race against time.

I quickly applied some concealer and mascara, deciding it would be too risky to do the eyeliner. "So why'd you choose this jumper for me to wear?", i questioned Harry, filling in my lips with a berry coloured lipstick. Harry shrugged, causing me to raise my eyebrow. "You look really cute in it and it seems to be your favourite", Harry finally told me, which made me smile. "Good choice", I grinned, when he pulled up outside the pub.

"Actually don't get out here, I'll go further round", harry stopped me from getting out which caused me to frown. He drove round the back,stopping the engine and allowing me to get out. "Goodbye Gracie my love", Harry winked. I just laughed, walking in the back way to the pub, hoping Charlie wouldn't be too mad that I was a little over ten minutes late.

I took my coat off and hung it up, along with my bag. Making my way behind the bar, I apologized to Charlie. "I'm extremely sorry I'm late", I told him, hoping he wouldn't be angry. "Doesn't matter Grace, don't look so scared, now get to work", he joked. I sighed in relief and began serving customers.

"Grace! It feels like I haven't seen you in ages", Mel told me, once noticing I was there. "I know right", I laughed, filling up a beer. He handed me the money, which I put in the till. "Where'd you get your jumper from?", Mel asked me, her eyes narrowed. I panicked. Had she seen Harry in this before? I probably shouldn't have worn this. Why even did I? I guess I just liked the look of it and the smell reminded me of Harry.

"U-Uh I just found it", i stuttered. She raised her eyebrow but nodded. "it's nice". "Thanks", I told her, hoping this conversation would end here. "I'd like to thank you for helping me out on this Christmas party, it's been so stressful and theirs just so much pressure been piled on me, I can't help it, so sorry if I've been a bit snappy and distant lately", She apologized. "Mel, it's fine, you don't have to apologize", I told her, she just gave me a smile and we both got back to work.

"Oh there's this party next weekend, I know you probably don't want to go but Jade begged me to get you to come, she told me she'd walk with you", Mel rushed, hoping I wouldn't say no. "The occasion?", I wondered. "There is no occasion, just a party", She told me once again, picking at her already chipped nails. "Mel you know how I feel about parties", I reminded her. "I know Grace, but please, it will give you the chance to get to know some other people from the bar, the schedules will change again in the new year and wouldn't it be a lot better if you knew the people you were going to work with?", Mel explained. I sighed. "Maybe", I mumbled, leaving it at that.

I can't thank you enough for over 500 reads, it means a lot to me. Thanks so much!x

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