Chapter Twenty One- Caught

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I was glad I had today off. I had no energy to move at all. In the morning I had to pop out to get a few bits from the super market, but as of now, I'm draped on the sofa, motionless. I couldn't help but keep thinking about yesterday. Maybe I should've let Harry talk. I didn't let him talk because I was scared of what I was going to hear. Was he going to make up a stupid childish excuse, or was he actually going to come up with a valid explanation, although I'm not sure what that could be. 

My face was makeup-less and my eyes were fixed on the TV, which was playing some fuzzy picture. If I was honest, I was paying no attention to the TV, instead I was thinking about Harry. Of course I was thinking about Harry. I hadn't stopped thinking of him since the weekend I spent with him. No matter how hard I did try to forget about him and how awful he made me feel. I couldn't. I just remembered all the times he made my heart flutter, all the times he made me laugh and smile.

My phone began to ring but I couldn't be bothered to move and answer it. It wouldn't be anything important. I stayed in the same position for over an hour, finally deciding to get up and do something. The thing is there wasn't anything to do. There was nowhere to go, no one to hang out with. I just felt lonely, like I used to back home. Feeling ignored, like I wasn't even there, nobody acknowledged me, I wasn't sure if I preferred it like that.

Making a glass of water, I took a sip of it, washing my dry throat away. Leaning against the kitchen island, my thoughts drifted somewhere else. I asked myself the weirdest of questions and spent a long period of time while trying to answer them. I was anticipating on ringing Miles or not. He doesn't work on Saturdays and maybe he would want to do something with me. Maybe he was as bored as me. He probably wasn't, he's probably spending time with his family or friends, whereas I have no one over here, not that it would be any use of I did, they'd just ignore me like they usually do and I didn't really even have any friends back where I used to live. I guess you could call them 'fake' friends. I didn't like using the word fake though. It makes me sound foolish and stupid.

A knock at the door drew me from my day dream and back to the cold, dark reality. I slowly shuffled my way over to the door, opening it without looking through the peep hole, which I soon regretted when I came face to face with Harry. My lips parted, no words left them though. He blinked a couple of times, before I moved aside to let him in. Might as well hear what he has to say.

I softly shut the door behind me, not locking it because he was bound to be out of here again shortly. "Grace", Harry sighed. I didn't say anything, I just sat on the edge of the sofa, looking up at him. "I-I really want to explain to you", Harry told me. I nodded, giving him permission to begin explaining.

"If I'm honest Grace, I have no fucking clue what I was doing. I-I've never been in a relationship before and I obviously don't want one", When them words left his mouth, my heart sunk. He didn't want a relationship with me. It hurt a lot. "And with you when we act like a couple, I just forget about it and go back to my usual self because I'm just not used to it", Harry sighed at the end.

"Used to what?", I asked, finally deciding to speak. "I-I don't know" He breathed. I rubbed a hand over my face, unsure what to say next. "Grace, I didn't know it was going to hurt you that much, I'm sorry, I'm just so fucking crap with handling people's feelings, I can't even handle my own", He told me. I still didn't say anything, purely because I didn't know what to say. I thought I would've kicked him out by now, but I didn't. I wanted to listen to him speak. Not just because of how soft and smooth his voice sounds, but the words he was speaking. I wanted to figure out what they meant. I wanted to analyze every single detail, I knew Harry was hiding something.

"Please forgive me Gracie", Harry begged when I didn't say anything. I smiled slightly at the mention of the nickname he'd made up for me. "I saw you smile!", Harry exclaimed, causing me to shake my head, still not saying a thing. "Please talk to me Grace", Harry pouted. After a few moments of silence, I did finally speak up. "H-Harry, I don't even know why you're apologizing, I was the one who was over-reacting and being stupid".

"Grace you weren't being stupid, I was the stupid one for not thinking about how you felt and you were in no way over reacting", harry reassured me, moving closer and closer. "Can we just forget about this Grace, please?", he asked. "The only thing that bothers me is that you treat me like shit when you're around other people, it hurts, it's humiliating", I swallowed, closing my eyes.

I didn't open them until I felt his soft lips on mine. I gasped in shock, but didn't pull away, my eyes fluttered closed and I continued to kiss him back. His hand tenderly ran across my jaw line. My lips were beginning to swell because of the way Harry was sucking them. Harry's other hand grasped the back of my head, pushing me closer to his lips. My phone began to ring again, causing the both of us to pull away from each other, panting. "No don't answer that!", Harry begged. I frowned, but obeyed him. Harry grabbed both of my wrists, pinning me down to the sofa. He lingered above me, taken every inch of my flawed skin in. "You're unbelievably beautiful", He whispered, his tongue ran against my bottom lip, asking for permission to enter. My hand wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer towards me. The butterflies in my stomach were going mental, but I tried my hardest to ignore them, focusing on Harry's lips against mine.

His lips were so soft and tender,not like they usually are. He was holding himself up with one arm. I could see the veins flexing, distracting me. My hand ran through his curls, gripping at the roots and pulling, gasping for air. "Fuck grace!", Harry moaned, kissing down my neck and jawline. This moment felt so intimate, so perfect, like nothing could ruin it. Harry was being so careful with me, I bit my lip when he began to softly suck at my neck, his tongue swiping up and down my skin.

"Grace!", A voice gasped from the door. I quickly pushed Harry off, of me, getting up from the sofa, only to find my mum at the door. Her eyes were wide, angry at the sight she had just seen. "Mum! What are you doing here?", I questioned, my face flushed in embarrassment. My mum was glaring at Harry and I could tell he was feeling uncomfortable, I didn't blame him, I would too.

I could feel my lips beginning to swell. I could feel that they were red and plump from Harry kissing them. "I tried calling you but you weren't answering, now I know why", She pointed to Harry. My jaw was clenched, I didn't like the way she'd just walked in here and straight away judged Harry. "Why didn't you knock", I asked her. Harry was stood awkwardly, which was fairly unusual for him. He's usually the first to be talking, telling her she'd done something wrong but he didn't, instead he stood and watched.

"I'm your mother, I shouldn't have to knock", She rolled her eyes. One of my favourite things to do was wind my mum up, so that's what I did. "Well I'm your daughter and I would like some privacy, I could've been mid having sex for all you know!", I snapped. "Oh don't be silly Grace, it's trampy enough dragging a random boy in here to kiss you, don't even get me started on how much of a slut you are", She shook her head, ashamed.

"A slut! He's not just a random boy mum for god sake! How would you know anyway, just leave", I groaned. "Grace, i'm not leaving, I came here to see you", She reminded me. "Well I didn't invite you here, therefore you should leave", I repeated, trying my hardest not to get angry and just keep calm. This is what always happens with my Mum and I, we're always fighting and winding each other up.

"I'm your mother, I should be welcome to my daughters home all the time", She frowned. "No, you're not welcome here, now just fucking leave!", I shouted, stepping forward. "Woah Grace, calm down", Harry whispered in my ear. "Don't use that language. I was right, you've turned into a complete tramp!" When I didn't say anything, she started up again. "Especially bringing this druggy home", My mother referred to Harry, her nostrils flared in disgust. "Druggy? How would you know, now just get the fuck out of here", I almost screamed. "No, now be a nice girl and put the kettle on", She demanded. 

Happy New Year! Thank you so much for reading and voting it means a lot. Please feel free to comment and ily alll, hope you have a good new year!

"No wonder no one likes you, you're a judgemental, snobby bitch! You know what I wish dad would've taken me with him when he left you, you deserved nothing!", I shouted. "Grace!", Harry frowned. My mum didn't say anything, she stood with a blank expression on her face. "You know what Grace, I wish he would've too, I didn't need you!", She snapped, turning around to leave, when she did, I turned round to Harry. He pulled me into a tight hug, resting his chin on my head. 

"You need to ignore her baby, she infuriates you too much", Harry whispered, rubbing his hand up and down my arm. "Uh, Grace- Can, can I take you on a second date?", Harry asked, he seemed nervous, I wasn't sure why. It took me a while to answer, but when I did, I gave him a quick nod. "Really?", he asked unsure. "Yes", I laughed. He grinned, planting a kiss on my lips, holding me tight. Well this was unexpected.

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