Forty Three- Raspberry

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My eyes fluttered open at the presence of someone lingering above me. Harry's strong build stood tall above me, a huge grin on his face. "You might want to clean the duvets." Was the first thing he said and I instantly blushed knowing he was talking about the blood. I took this time to notice Harry was standing butt naked and I quickly looked away. "It's fine, you don't have to do it now", Harry's voice was deep and raspy, watching me shift up from my previous position.

"This is so embarrassing, can you pass me my panties?", I asked him, ignoring his suggestion to do it later. Harry stood there, eyebrow raised and I couldn't take him seriously when he was standing naked. He crawled back onto the bed and kissed me. His lips were soft and passionate. Holding deep thought and a story behind them. The reason why he doesn't always smile, the words that he wants to say but doesn't because he's too afraid to. Everyone has them even Harry; The boy who speaks his own mind.

Harry ran his hand down my arm and planted small kisses all over my neck. "How about having a shower together?", He wiggled his eyebrows making me smile. "No", I shook my head, still not confident with my body, even though he had seen me naked already. "Why?", he pouted. I loved this playful mood Harry was in today. "Because I don't want too", I mumbled. "If it's about your body then I'd like you to know that you're beautiful in every way and I love you", He pressed his lips to my nose, causing me to scrunch it up.

"Thanks Harry but I-I just don't feel comfortable", I pulled the sheets over my face to prevent him from seeing me blush. Harry continued to kiss all the way down my neck, making me laugh and smile. I heard some kind of noise but I decided to ignore it. Probably the wind or something. Harry pulled the sheets from my face, making my eyes flutter.

"Please Grace, it'll save water", He spoke into my skin, his breath causing it to tickle. "Same old excuses Styles", I shook my head, he was still laying on top of me, peering at me through his curls. His lips pressed back onto my neck once again, his soft hands moved the duvet down each time he placed another kiss, getting to the top of my chest and smiling.

"Please", he mumbled again, blowing a raspberry into my chest, causing me to giggle at the sound and feeling. "Harry", I managed to say between giggles. "Please baby", He began to suck the same spot, making me gasp as he carried on pulling the duvet down, almost exposing my boobs until the bedroom door opened.

"Shit!", A deep male voice spoke. I pushed Harry off, of me and pulled the duvet up over my face. "Fuck, I'm so sorry", The voice spoke again, I recognised it to be Liam's. Liam had almost seen my boobs. "Grace", Harry pulled the duvet from my face, but it was flushed red in embarassment. Only turning redder when the other three boys made their way to the door.

"It's not what it looks like", I tried to cover it up, pulling the duvet round my body. "Grace your dress was in a pile by the front door, the both of you have sex hair and judging by you both being naked, I'm pretty positive you had sex", Louis raised his eyebrow. I hadn't even noticed how Harry was still fully naked. "Jesus Harry put something on", I adverted my gaze away from him. A low chuckle escaped his lips and he reached into the wardrobe to find some boxers.

"How did you even get in here?", Harry asked them, shooing them out of the room so I could put some form of clothing on. As soon as the door shut, I scrambled out of bed and put my underwear on, reaching in Harry's wardrobe and taking out the biggest jumper I could find and slipping it over me. It was almsot like a dress on me.

I began to strip the duvets while trying to smooth my hair out. Opening the door, I tried to be as discreet as possible but as soon as they heard the door open, their heads all turned to me. "So you gave Harry some birthday sex", Louis wiggled his eyebrows, my face flushing even redder as I emerged from the kitchen.

"How did you get in then?", I asked them, changing the subject and standing beside Harry who was by the sofa. "Well it wasn't hard, the spare key was on the top of the door frame", Niall explained. "Did you even knock?", Harry wondered, sitting on the sofa and pulling me down with him. "Didn't think we had to", Zayn spoke up for the first time today. The boys were scattered around the room, Liam sitting on the the sofa and the other three standing up.

No matter how hard I tried to ignore the sorness of my thighs and legs, I couldn't. I turned to Harry leaning up to his ear. "I'm really sore", my voice was a whisper and I hoped none of the other boys heard. "We should've had a shower then", he whispered back with an amused smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes, swatting his chest gently. When Liam coughed slightly, we both turned to him.

"Anyway, I came here to tell you that the opening of my girlfriends mum's fancy restaurant is tomorrow night back in Byport", Liam announced before adding "I was asking if you'd like to come. I mean you don't have to but it would be nice for both of you to meet everyone". Harry said "No" at the same time I said "Yes". I turned to him, eyebrow raised. "Why not?". He sighed, playing with my hand sightly. "I moved away for a reason, I don't want to go back there", He spoke bluntly which only made me frown more. "We'll be there Liam", I smiled. "No we fucking won't", Harry frowned. I was annoyed that Harry's mood had changed but I could see the hurt in Liam's eyes and it broke my heart.

"Liam, we're going, Harry's just being selfish", I gritted my teeth, glaring at Harry."Fuck Grace, we're not going!", He spat and I tumbled from his lap. "Fine Harry, you don't have to go but I'm going!", I shouted at him, ignoring the boys. "You don't have to it's fine-", liam began but I cut him off. "We're going Liam". "Grace you're testing my patience", He warned me and I turned to him, eyebrow raised.

"I don't give a shit if I'm testing your patience, just suck it up and forget about your bloody past!", This shocked everyone in the room, including me. No one spoke and I took this as my cue to leave the room and take a shower.


Halfway through the shower, there was a knock at the bathroom door. "yes", I called over the loud, preassurised water that was hitting my skin. "Can I come in", Harry's voice was deep and full of guilt. I sighed, running my hand through my dark hair once again. "I'm almost finished-", I began but got cut off when Harry opened the door. "Shit!", I quickly turned off the shower grabbing the towel and covering my body up.

"Can we talk about this", he asked and I shook my head. "Harry you don't want to go, I get it but I want to and so I will", I told him, ringing my hair out. He let out a sigh, walking closer towards me. "Please babe, I'm sorry I just don't think I'm ready to go back there", He admitted, walking even closer to me. I brushed past him, making my way into the bedroom.

"Harry we'll be there for about two hours, you won't see many people", I picked up a jumper and discreetly slipped it over my head. "Trust me, it's a small town everyone will be going to that stupid fucking diner shit", I could tell he was getting frustrated by the tone of his voice. "Plus what's the point in driving over there only to come back again". I wrapped my hair up in the towel, sitting on the bare bed.

"We'll stay in a hotel then", I suggested. "No, the hotel's are shit, you might aswell spend the night in the street rather than in a fucking shitty hotel, it's the same", he reached for the pack of cigarettes on the table and lit one, sticking it in his mouth. I hated it, the cloud of smoke that came from his mouth, I turned away in disgust, hoping one day he'd try at quit the awful habit just like he's not drinking.

"Well either way I'm going Harry, you either come or you don't", I spat. That was that. He walked into the bathroom to take a shower, completely blanking me. I turned my nose up at the ash tray he had just used, laying down on his bed and wishing he wouldn't have to be so complicated.

I hope you all had a good Christmas x

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