Thirty Five-Conflict

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The water was running behind the bathroom door. Harry had just gotten in the shower, while he was at it, I decided to wash the bed sheets. It took me a while to get them off, of my bed seeing as I was always used to my mum doing it. She would usually change them every single week. My mum was a clean freak, which added another reason to the list of why she's extremely annoying.

I was kneeling on the floor, pressing the buttons on the washing machine. I had finally learned how to do the washing. I guess I taught myself how to, pressing random buttons at first and realizing that it wasn't the right one when my clothes shrunk. I didn't ever result to calling my mum because I knew she would give me a lecture on how I wasn't capable of living on my own and I should move back in with her.

I was wearing only my underwear with Harry's jumper that fell down to mid-thighs. I figured that there was no point in getting completely changed if I was just going to have a shower. As I moved closer to the bathroom door, I could faintly hear Harry's faint voice, mumbling lyrics to a song that I wasn't quite sure I had heard of. However that wasn't my concern, I was mainly focused on his voice and how nice it was to listen to.

Over the loud running water, I tried my hardest to listen to it. His voice was soothing and sounded beautiful. It surprised me. He could sing? You would never expect it, a boy like Harry, tall, tattoos, muscular, tough. I couldn't help but smile. Was I the only one who knew he could sing? He would probably go mental if I asked him about it, but I couldn't help but think that this could be the only chance I could hear him sing and I didn't want to miss a second of it.

My eyes were shut softly and I was slouched against the bathroom door. Harry's voice was deep and low, having a slight edge to it that made my skin tingle. I could've sat there for hours, listening to him sing and I probably would've if a knock at the door hadn't departed me from the bathroom door.

I frowned, getting up from the floor and slowly walking over to the door. I didn't bother to check to see who it was. It was probably Rose, asking me a question or something. When I did open it, I regretted it, seeing my mother standing there. She was dressed in a black sleek dress, along with black heels, her hair was perfectly curled and her makeup precise. She took one look at me and scrunched up her nose in disgust.

I hadn't seen her since Christmas and I didn't want to see her again for a while but I guess she had different ideas. "What the hell are you wearing?", Her sharp voice filled the room. I had completely forgotten that I was wearing this, I didn't think about changing before opening the door. "Go and get dressed you idiot", She spat, inviting herself in.

"Why are you here?", I asked her, eyebrow raised. "To see you, however I don't want to see you dressed like that". My mouth parted. She didn't have the right to just barge into my own home and tell me to change. I didn't want her here, I thought Harry made that clear on Christmas, I had the feeling someone was going to have to tell her straight up and I was afraid that, that person would be me. By what she said on Christmas, it gave me the impression that she wanted Harry to break my heart and she wasn't going to talk me out of dating Harry, so really I had no clue why she was here.

The bathroom door, opened to reveal Harry in just a towel that hung on his hips. His hair was a tousled wet mess and I didn't even want to look at my mother's expression. I had completely forgotten about Harry, had I remembered I would've done something to prevent this from happening.

Harry looked caught off guard, his perfect lips were parted slightly as he stared at my mum, blank expression. "Shit", I mumbled out loud. "What is this Grace! I thought I had brought you up not to act like a slut!" Her eyes were wide, full of pure anger. If looks could kill. "I-uh", I gulped, not even wanting to explain what would happen. Harry quickly rushed into my room to get dressed.

I didn't want to turn to face my Mum, I knew what was coming and I couldn't be bothered for it. "You little slut!", Her teeth were gritted, her voice full of disgust and disgust only. "I didn't think I was going to see you again", I admitted, changing the subject. "Don't change the subject Grace". I hadn't ever been stuck in a situation like this before. It looked like Harry and I had just had sex, even though we didn;t, I knew that was what it looked like.

"That boy is a disgrace! he's just walked into your life and completely ruined it, I think moving back to Lawrence will do you could!", She shouted, clearly disappointed. "He's not a disgrace", My voice was quiet, I could barely hear it myself. "Oh he's already got you wrapped around his finger, you need to open your eyes Grace, for goodness sake!", I tried my hardest to ignore her glare, it was making me feel uncomfortable. I didn't want to make eye contact with her, I knew that would make me kick off.

"I thought you were going to leave me and Harry alone. If I recall, you told me to 'have fun' through this bad boy phase", I decided to finally speak. "I was thinking about giving you another chance, now do you want to move back to Lawrence or not?", She asked me as if I hadn't already given her an answer. "No! No! I've told you a thousand times, I'm not moving back to bloody Lawrence, I hate it there, I'm never going to move back for god sake!", I almost screamed at her. She was about to speak but I stopped her.

"You can't just keep turning up here when you feel lonely. Begging me to move back in and leave Harry. Have you ever thought about my feelings? Maybe I really like him but you won't consider that, all you care about is yourself and don't deny it because it's true. I can't deal with you anymore! You're always there, snapping at everything I do wrong, just leave, I don't want you here!", I shouted.

Just as them words left my mouth, Harry emerged from my bedroom, fully clothed. "I don't know why I even bother, it's useless!", She sighed in defeat, storming out of my apartment, leaving Harry and I in complete shock. 

"Think you need a shower to calm you down", Harry told me after a couple of minutes of silence. I nodded, making my way into the bathroom. Why did I have to have such a judgmental mother?

The last chapter is locked so I guess you have to follow me, I'm not trying to make you sorry but that's the only way you can read it. You can unfollow me straight after if you want

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