Forty- Baby

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I eyed myself in the mirror. I was wearing an old dress I had found in my wardrobe from a couple of years ago. I remember it being a little too big around the chest area, which was a shame because it was such a lovely dress. It was high neck dog tooth patterned dress. However, as I had grown taller, the dress was a little shorter than it used to be on me. I had to make do with it though. I had spent over an hour on my hair, making it perfectly curly, then brushing it out so it sat in tender waves. Harry hadn't come in my room, so he had no clue what I looked like. I'm sure if he did watch me, he would get annoyed at all my mind changes and just make me wear the first thing I had chosen.

Applying a deep red lip colour, I was finally done. If I was honest, I was quite nervous about meeting Gemma. I mean, she was probably really nice it's just what if she doesn't like me. I'm dating her little brother, maybe she'll think I'm using him for something. She might just instantly hate me, when she first lays eyes on me. I wouldn't blame her if she did though. I'm not the most satisfying of people. She's probably expecting some kind of super model, instead it's just me.

I got up from the stool, wobbling in the small heels I had managed to find. They were plain black at weren't too difficult to walk in. They were probably about 4 inches. I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, making my way out of my bedroom to see Harry sitting on the sofa with a pack of cigarettes in his hand. He was fiddling with the lid, wondering whether he should have one or not.

"If you want to go and smoke, join the druggies next door" I told him, his head turned round, mouth parted ready to say something but stopped once he saw me. He eyes bulged open as he took in my appearance. "Fuck Grace", He moaned. I raised my eyebrows, tilting my head and smirking. "It's my birthday, the attentions supposed to be on me", He pouted. "Why wouldn't it be?" I frowned. "Because you look absolutely gorgeous", He stood up, making his way towards me and wrapping his arm around my waist. I looked up towards him through my thick eyelashes and smiled. "Thank you but my attention will be on you and that's all that matters", I kissed his cheek, then licked my fingers dabbing at it to get rid of the red lipstick stain.

"Would you like me to drive?", I asked him. I had my driver’s license; I just didn't have a car. I was still saving up for one. "Why would I let you drive?” He laughed. "Well, I don't drink and-, I was cut off by Harry. "Baby, I'm not drinking anymore, remember." He reminded me. "Yes, I know but it's your Birthday, just have a cheat night", I suggested but he shook his head with a laugh.

"There's no cheating, love. It's vital not to cheat it could break the wall you've been building, down", He told me and I sighed in defeat, following him out the door of my apartment. I locked the door and joined Harry as he entered the lift.


It was about an hour drive to the restaurant because Gemma lived two hours away from Harry, so they both agreed to meet at a restaurant in the middle. I wasn't sure whether I was excited, nervous or both. This shouldn't be about me meeting Gemma for the first time; it should be about Harry and his birthday.

My heels were kicked off and my feet were resting up on the ledge. In the open car compartment, I could see the pack of cigarettes Harry was holding earlier. I picked the box up, eyeing it. On the front it had 'smoking kills' printed in big letters. "Why do they even sell these?” I questioned. Harry glanced at me to see what I was referring to before looking back at the road. "Because some people want them", he laughed. "I know but what's the point in warning that it kills but selling it, it's like selling a gun to someone and putting on the front 'shooting kills'. Why not just sell guns in the shop if they can sell cigarettes?” Harry's eyebrows were creased in a frown. "Because shooting harms people."

"So does smoking", I retorted. "Well they help some people to get through hard times", He defended. "I can see where you're coming from but I just don't understand it, I think they should be completely demolished", I voiced my opinion. I slid them back in the compartment when Harry didn't reply just smiling to himself. "You really hate it don't you.” His voice was soft and quiet. I nodded.

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