Chapter Fourteen-Someone Special

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"AAAAAAAH!". I jolted awake, eyes wide. "What the hell!", The voice screamed again from downstairs. "Harry!", I whispered, shaking him, but he didn't wake. "Harry!", I shouted a little later, causing his eyes to open. "Someone's down stairs", I rushed, getting out of the bed and slipping my doc martens on, hurriedly tying the laces up.

"Shit, it's my auntie!", He gasped, slipping his shoes on. "How are we meant to get out of here?", I asked, before adding "I know we should have cleaned up". he just rolled his eyes, searching for somewhere to go. "There's the window", He suggested. My eyes widened and I laughed. "Fuck that!", I opened the door and made my way to the top of the stair case. Unsure on whether to go down or not.

However, I didn't make the decision quick enough when his auntie spotted me. "WHO ARE YOU!", She screeched her eyes wide. "I'M CALLING THE POLICE", She warned me. I began to worry, wondering whether to run or not. Before his auntie could go anywhere Harry grabbed my waist, holding me as he ran down the stairs. "Thanks for letting us stay!", he called, opening the door and leaving. He set me down and we both burst out into fits of laughter, running away from the house.

"We should of gone out the window", Harry smirked. "I'm not going to jump out of a window Harry", I rolled my eyes. "I would've caught you", He told me, but I just laughed, following him down the pavement.Harry had already told me he was walking me back. I told him he didn't need to but he insisted on doing it. We walked back in silence, not saying a word which felt quite strange, seeing as we talked all night last night. "That was eventful", I broke the silence. Harry just nodded. I frowned confused as to what was bothering him.

I decided not to ask him and we carried on the fifteen minute walk back to my apartment. My boots scraped against the dusty pavement, kicking small pebbles into the road. I crossed my arms, beginning to feel cold. I didn't like this silence between Harry and I. I wanted to know what I had done to silence him, however I didn't want to answer him and ruin his mood. he would just get angry at me and I didn't want anything else happening. When we finally did arrive outside my apartment door, it was fairly awkward.

"Uh-bye", He mumbled. I frowned, it was clear he noticed. "What's wrong?", He asked. I sighed, not saying anything. "You just seem, suddenly off with me?", I admitted. "Gracie, it's nothing for you to worry about", He reassured me with a smile, before kissing me softly on my lips. "See you soon Gracie", He smiled, proud of his nickname he had made up for me. "Bye", I laughed, watching him closely as he walked away.

"Who's the young boy?", Mrs Falls asked, frightening me. "Oh god you scared me", I laughed. "Sorry dear", She apologized. "His names Harry", I told her, answering her question from before. "Ah, anyone special", She questioned, smiling lightly. "I suppose", I felt myself blushing slightly. "There's nothing more wonderful than young love", Mrs Falls told me. I laughed, letting myself into my apartment and waving goodbye to her.

Throughout the day, I couldn't erase him from my mind. he was constantly there and I couldn't help it.

300 reads wow, thanks a lot. Please remember to vote and comment, it would mean a lot, thanks. I know this is really short, sorry, the next one may be a little longer, oh and I hope you all had a lovely Christmas

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