Thirty- Mystery Phone Call

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I still hadn't spoken to Mel, every time I tried to I would either back down or she would notice me coming and walk away from me. I wanted to talk to her, I wanted to tell her how I was sorry and how I really liked Harry. Maybe if she told me why she really wanted me to stay away from him, I would. If it was that serious, I would. For my own safety, for his safety. But she wouldn't tell me, I knew she wouldn't. I wouldn't be able to get it out of her until whatever she is so afraid of happens between Harry and I.

"Your eye looks better", I turned to Miles. "Yeah, almost there", He chuckled, cleaning out a glass. "Look, I'm sorry I've tried to get Harry to apologize but you know what he's like". He just laughed shaking his head, telling me it was fine. Although it wasn't, every time I had asked Harry to say sorry he would be stubborn about it. There was no getting Harry to do something he didn't want to do.

It was almost 1:30 and I was glad Harry was coming to pick me up soon. I had been wondering all day where he was going to take me. I hope wherever he does take me has food because I'm extremely hungry. Every time someone came in, I looked up hoping it was Harry but it wasn't. I told myself to stop worrying seeing as it wasn't even 1:30 yet, there was still plenty of time for him to come. I was tired from the long morning at work. I hadn't gotten much sleep last night because of the rain. It had kept me up all night thinking about Harry and what he would do if he was there beside me.

When the door opened and Harry walked in, a bright smile lit up my face. He spotted me from the door, laughing at my wide grin. I turned to Charlie but before I could say anything he dismissed me. I thanked him and made my way round the back to get my coat and bag. Mel was glaring at me when I walked up to Harry. He guided me straight out the door without another word.

"So where are you taking me?", I frowned. "You'll see", He smirked, opening the car door for me. I thanked him, getting in and putting my seat belt on. "I still don't understand why you won't apologize to Miles?", I questioned, as Harry started the engine. "Because he's a dick", Harry had repeated that to me many times before. "He's not a dick", I rolled my eyes. "If you'd rather be with him, I can turn back around", Harry's teeth were gritted clearly angry. "I didn't say that Harry for fuck sake!", I groaned, looking out of the car window. This always happened, we'd get caught up in a tiny argument.

After about ten minutes of silence, I spoke up. "When's your Birthday?". Harry glanced at me, eyebrow raised. "February 1st", He spoke bluntly. "Wow! That's so soon", I gasped, I needed to find him a present. "When's yours?", He then asked, eyes attached to the road that was ahead. "May 29th", I told him, looking down at my hands. "Oo summer, I already have ideas of what to do for your Birthday", Harry smirked. Would we even still be together for my Birthday. Are we even together?

Harry never asked me to be his girlfriend and I didn't really want to assume anything. It was about a 30 minute drive until we finally got there. I frowned when Harry stopped outside a Milkshake Diner called 'Milky Way'. "You'll love it in here", Harry promised me, getting out of the car. I followed his actions and shut the door softly behind me, following him into the diner. It was very 50's style. Old 50's music was playing on a duke box and the workers were dressed in big skirts and roller skates. 

"Wow", My eyes were wide. Harry took me over to the counter, asking me which milkshake I wanted. It took me a while to choose seeing as there were so many of them. However I finally decided on the white chocolate one and Harry chose the strawberry milkshake. I watched the worker making them. I would love to work somewhere like this, it always seemed so fun and jolly. Harry didn't fit in with this diner at all. Everything was so...50's and Harry with all his tattoo's really didn't fit in at all.

The woman handed me the milkshake. "Thank you", I grinned, taking a sip of it and immediately falling in love. "Mmm", I mumbled, causing Harry to grin. "How did you find this place?", I asked him. "A year back, I was angry and just started driving and I bumped into this place", He shrugged. "It's so nice", I licked my lips. Harry's phone rang, making me jump. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and smiled. "I have to take this", He told me, making his way over to the corner, so I wouldn't here.

I couldn't help but frown. Harry was laughing down the phone. I could faintly hear him. "Really! Okay, thanks I appreciate it", That's all I heard. I was quite skeptical about it, was he going to meet up with another girl. I brushed them thoughts away when Harry walked back over, sitting down. I didn't want to ask who it was and sound nosy, but I wanted to know, so I did ask. "Who was that?". Harry turned to be eyebrow raised. "None of your business", I clenched my jaw, feeling my stomach turn in knots.

I know I shouldn't worry, so I tried to place it at the back of my mind, if not out of my mind. Enjoying the rest of my Milkshake. When we had finished in the diner, I was hoping Harry would take me to his place or maybe he could stay round mine for a bit, but he didn't. He dropped me off, saying bye and drove away. Leaving me standing in the car park. I felt abandoned, maybe he had gone off me. Maybe he never even liked me anyway. 

As soon as he did leave the car park,I walked out behind him, I had no clue where I was going but I wanted to go somewhere. I couldn't stand to be stuck in my flat, while Harry goes off with some other girl or whatever he was doing. It was quite late now. Around 5. However I didn't care about that and just continued to walk. The harsh, cold air burned against my face but I decided to ignore it, just walking and walking and walking.

Why was I over-reacting? This can't just be about Harry because if it is then that's pathetic. Then I figured it out. It was about everything that had happened since I had gotten here. From Mel and I fighting,Harry's obnoxious attitude, Nicole being bitchy. It was everything. I thought maybe it was normal to feel like this. I just wanted my best friend back and I wanted Harry back. I wanted him to tell me that he still liked me. Although that sound selfish, I did.

After a 20 minute walk, I found myself at the beach where Harry took me. I sighed, walking down to the beach and sitting down on a nearby rock. I wasn't sure what had gotten into me. I felt sick, I needed some fresh air. Sitting on that rock, my legs crossed, it felt magical. Like when Harry and I first kissed. I liked it here

Hearing the rough waves crash against shore.Everything felt so calm, even though it wasn't. It was almost like a getaway place. To just come and think.

I finally made my way back home though, it was beginning to get far too cold and I was tired. On the walk back it felt odd, like someone was following me. My heart began to pick up when the same black car I saw yesterday turned round the corner. The one that was in the car park of Harry's apartment. I swallowed hard, telling myself not to worry about it and just carry on walking. I picked up my speed, loosing the black car when I got back to my flat. I sighed with relief.

There was defiantly something up with that car. I just had no clue what.


I couldn't believe it was finally happening. After all these long years of wanting to find my sister, I finally had. I had got in contact with someone a while back, a couple of weeks after I told Grace about how my mum kicked me out. I finally decided that if she wouldn't come to me, I'd come to her. My mum still didn't want any contact with me and so I contacted my cousin, asking him to get my sister to meet me somewhere. My sister agreed not to tell my Mum and so my cousin called me earlier explaining how I could meet her in a weeks time.

I was nervous and didn't want to get my hopes up, in case something came crashing down like it had with my auntie. I hated how no one could trust me in my family, accept my cousin and maybe my sister. I know what I did was horrible, awful but I had changed now, completely changed. 

And I wanted nothing more than my mother to know that.

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