Thirty Nine-Happy Birthday.

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Today was Harry's Birthday and I hadn't spoken to him since he had claimed he loved me. I didn't want to believe that he did love me in case it would lead to disappointment if he told me he didn't, because by the way he reacted, he obviously wasn't sure. I was sure that I loved him. I hadn't ever experienced love before but I hoped that the feeling I get when with Harry was love. Whenever I see him, my heart flutters and I feel like everything around me warms up. I feel like it's only him and I in the room, he's the only one I can hear and as soon as he has to leave or the conversation ends, I feel like someone drives a spear through my heart because I could talk to him forever and not get bored. If Harry felt the same way about me, then maybe he was in love with me but I would never be sure because Harry coats his feelings in thick cement, cement that nobody would be able to break through, nobody but the most powerful person and I hoped that person was me.

I still hadn't gotten round to getting Harry a present. I wanted to give him something that he could keep for ever, something that he would treasure and that only he could ever have, a one of a kind but I just had no clue what. What would be so special to him, that would show my love for him. I wanted to give it to him from love not money. Tilting my head back, I let the warm water run down my body, coating it in warmth but not the kind of warmth Harry gave me. Harry's warmth was so much more special and held so much more meaning than just some warm water. I had been stood in the shower for at least twenty minutes, so when there was a knock at the door, I took that as my cue to get out and answer it.

It didn't cross my mind that it could be Harry at the door because I forgot that he had no family with him on his Birthday, no one to spend time with. When my wet feet padded across the hard, wooden floor and the knocking got even harder, I realised it was Harry. He was being inpatient, he hated waiting. From the bathroom to the door I had no time to rehearse what I was going to say to him about the whole 'I think I'm in love with you' thing. It was a lot to take in.No one had ever told me they loved me before and meant it. Maybe Harry was just another one of those people who didn't mean it; then again he's practically emotionless. It seemed like it was difficult for him to say it and I hoped that was because he has a hard time expressing his real emotions and he really did love me.

Opening the door, there Harry stood. His hair was swept back into his usual hairstyle. He was wearing a white top with his infamous black skinny jeans. However, this time I had noticed that he had ditched his boots for some sort of sneakers. This little change made me smile and completely forget I was only wearing a towel.

"Happy Birthday", I grinned, pulling him into a hug. He hadn't said anything yet but hugged me back, clinging on to me and not letting go. I wasn't sure whether it was due to the fact that he was getting a good, clear view of my breasts or it was just a kind gesture, either way it felt nice and warm. It was difficult to know whether to bring up what happened the other day because it could either go two ways- I could bring it up and he would agree that he did mean it and I would say that I loved him too or I could bring it up and it would put him in a bad mood, he would leave and have a shit birthday.

I didn't want that to happen, so I decided not to bring it up. The towel that was wrapped around my body stopped mid thigh and was very revealing. "You're the first person who's said that to me", He told me a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Am I not the first person you've seen today", I then questioned, unsure whether to change or not. "Yeah but no one's textured me, except my sister, she rang." His voice was giddy, which made me happy. "What did she say?" I was interested in Harry rebuilding his relationship with her. "She told me happy birthday and suggested that we go out for a meal, she said you could come too." I didn't think Harry would've told her about me.

"Are you sure? I don't want to invade." I spoke, unsure. "Babe, I want to spend my Birthday with you", he wrapped his arms around me and buried his face into my wet hair. I smiled into his chest, taking a deep breath and pulling away.Tip-toeing, I pressed my lips on his, moving them slowly against his. They were soft and smooth, making my eyes flutter shut. He pulled back and frowned.

"What's wrong?", He asked. "Nothing", I mumbled, was there something wrong? "You seem upset", He admitted, stroking his hand against my cheek. I sucked in a deep breath. I mean, I was upset, there were so many things bothering me at the moment. It was too much for my small brain. "Y-you know that Brendan guy at the gym the other day-", I began but he cut me off. "He's your brother", He smirked, which only caused me to furrow my eyebrows, how did he know? Before I could even ask, he answered for me. "When he told me his last name, I thought what are the odds, that's why I sent him over to give you the water, I wanted you to find out yourself", he whispered into my ear.

"Oh what, so I don't really distract you?", I pouted despite in shock. "Oh yeah, of course you do but I thought it was important for you to find out yourself, I didn't just want to make assumptions", He explained. "Thanks", My voice cracked. He went on to ask me why it was particularly bothering me a lot.

"Because, I-I think I want to find my father"

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