Chapter Nine-Tears

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I woke up with a pounding headache and curled up on my sofa. The TV had turned off by itself due to the lack of attention it was receiving and The empty box of the Chinese I had, had last night was tipped over on the floor. My hair was sprawled over my face and the memories from last night came flooding right back.After Harry had left, I tried my best not to think about it, but I couldn't help it. Why did he choose me? Why was I so scared of him? I asked myself them questions over and over again. I had finally figured out 1 of the 2 questions and that was 'why was I so scared of him?'. I was scared of him because he was trying to intimidate me and he knew it was working. He frightened me because I didn't have a clue what he was capable of and I sure as hell didn't want to find out. As for the 'Why did he choose me?' I had no clue and I don't think I ever will find out.

My mobile rang, causing me to rise from the sofa and lean over to grab my phone. Without looking at the caller ID, I answered it straight away, unsure of who's voice I was about to hear. "Hey Grace, it's me Lizzie", I was ever so thankful to hear her voice instead of someone like Harry's. "Oh hi", My voice was groggy and I desperately needed to shower, to wake myself up.

"Seeing as you don't have work today, I was wondering if you wanted to come to a little get together with me and a couple of friends I was with at the bar?", She wondered. I picked up the empty Chinese box that was laying on the floor. "Will Harry be there?", I asked. "No", She answered quickly. "Are you sure?", I asked, eyebrow raised, even though she couldn't see me. "Yeah, i'm 100% sure, I asked him if he was coming and he told me he wasn't", She reassured me, causing me to sigh. I guess I could use some time to get to know some people around here, it's better than staying in all day. 

"Okay, I guess", I sighed. "Yes!, where do you live, I'll be round in ten minuted to help you get ready!" She rushed. So I told her where I lived and she hung up in a flash. I rolled my eyes, making my way into the bathroom to take, yet again another shower. Stepping in the shower, I splashed my face with water, attempting to wake myself up, which was particularly hard.

Once  had finished washing my body, I got out, wrapping a towel around my hair, to dry it and wrapped a dressing gown round my body. I quickly cleaned my teeth while I was in the bathroom too .I was just about to find my clothes, until there's was a knock at the door. I sighed, walking briskly to the door and opening it to see Lizzie. "Hi!", She grinned pulling me into a hug. I shut the door, once she had made herself at home.

"Do you want help, on what to wear?", She asked, following me into my room. "Well I was just going to put some jeans on", I began, trailing off, wondering what ideas she had in her head. "no, no Grace, there's going to be boys there and trust me a lot of them are perfect for you, wear something that shows off your figure", Lizzie suggested, opening my wardrobe. She raised her eyebrows at all the baggy, comfortable clothes I had. "Jesus girl!", She exclaimed, raking through my clothes,in hurry to find something.

"You have disco pants!", She asked, shocked. I nodded. "Why have you never worn them?", She wondered, pulling the tag off, of them. "I don't know, I just never know what t wear them with", I admitted. "You have loads of clothes, that you've never worn", She was still shocked. "Yeah, I went shopping with my friend, just before I left to come here and she told me what to buy and i've never worn any of it", I admitted. 

Once Lizzie had finally picked an outfit, she left me to change into it. It was this tartan crop top and then some black disco pants. I must admit, when I looked in the mirror, it didn't look too bad, quite nice actually. I done my usual makeup and Lizzie insisted to curl my hair and put some red lipstick on me. I rolled my eyes, but eventually let her.

The lipstick she put on was a dark red, it was the one she had on. She retrieved it from her bag, before kneeling in front of me and covering my lips in it. Once she had curled the ends of my hair, we were ready to go. I slipped on my brown lace up boots and my coat, grabbed my bag and left. I made sure the door was locked before following Lizzie down the steep steps of my apartment block.

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