Chapter Sixteen-I'm sorry

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All of this was too much for me. All of these mixed signals I was receiving from Harry. I wasn't quite sure what they meant, and I did want to find out what the meant. Nonetheless I knew I wouldn't find out. Harry is just so guarded, so closed up. He had his walls built high, with bricks glued right into place. With bricks that wouldn't be going anywhere. No matter how hard one would try, he would never open up to them. I wasn't sure why but I knew indeed that I wanted to find out.

"So Grace, either sexy Mrs clause costume or elf, either way it needs to be sexy",Mel told me. It was three weeks until the Christmas party and Mel was going crazy. "You know I don't like showing my body", I reminded Mel. "Yeah, that's why you dressed as a slutty cat for Halloween, now please Grace. We need a lot of customers", She begged. I sighed, nodding. I guess I was going to have to, I wasn't looking forward to it at all. I would only feel uncomfortable in my own a skin and want to hide behind the bar all night.

I decided I would sort it out next week or something. Making my way over to a agitated customer and refilling their glass of coke because they claimed that their was a 'dirt mark' in it. When the snobby woman left, she reminded me much of my mother. My mum was always complaining about the silliest things and it got on my nerves. if I was honest it was quite embarrassing, having her always complaining. I was just the embarrassed daughter, who tried to keep my distance from her but it was still obvious I was her daughter.

Jade had, had a change of schedules and she was now working Thursdays and Fridays with me. Which was great to have company, other than a mad woman who was going crazy about a small event and of course surrounded by men. Although the only thing I didn't like about her being with me, was how whenever someone she knows walks in, they always somehow know Harry and they were always around Jade, which left me with nowhere else to go, except bonding with the old ladies, drinking their gin and tonic.

"Oh god ", A much too familiar voice sounded. "I swear you're here everyday, can't seem to get rid of you", Nicole flared her nostrils, following Ashton over to Jade, who was beside me. "Yeah, well I do work here", The sarcasm was crystal clear in my voice, the fake smile I was pulling,topping it off. "Well Grace, you better hurry along and get our drinks, Harry's going to be here soon and I want a drink to keep me occupied while watching the facade that you'll both come up with", She told me, shooing me off. "Of course, what could I get you?", I asked, still being sarcastic. "Uh, a shandy if you would", She told me. I bent over to grab a glass, jade joining me. "Do you think I have time to poison it", I asked her, causing her to laugh.

I filled the glass up with shandy, handing it to her. She handed me the money and unfortunately, sat on one of the stools. About ten minutes later, something I was dreading happened. "Oh look, it's Harry!", Nicole grinned, when harry made his way into the pub. I felt uncomfortable and was glad I finished my shift in twenty minutes. Mel was out the back and I was glad she was, she didn't need to see this.

"Bet you're glad to see Grace", Nicole grinned."Couldn't be more disappointed", He laughed along with her. I just smiled, leaving them to it, while I started a list of Christmas shopping. "What you doing? topping up on dildos?", Harry asked. "I'm not surprised, you probably don't get any action, I get it all the time", Nicole smiled as if it was something to be proud of.

"Oh no, it's just called not being a slut, unlike you", I shot her a smile that was clearly forced. I could see Ashton trying his hardest not to laugh and my remark. "Excuse me! I'm not a slut! You're just an ugly fuck, that's why no one wants to fuck you!", Nicole almost shouted. I had no idea where my confidence had come from, but I liked it. "Yeah, I'm sure that's the case Nicole", I walked away from her, having enough of her childish behaviour.

"That's so cowardly, walking away from an argument", Nicole shouted. "No, I've just had enough of you're childish behaviour. You're embarrassing yourself Nicole. It's probably best if you leave", I told her calmly. She frowned, her hand had a tight grip on her glass. She smashed the glass onto the table, storming out of the pub. My eyes were wide. Everyone, was looking at the smashed glass, I sighed knowing I was going to have to be the one to clear it up. Making my way around from the bar, I bent over, picking up the small shards of glass. It reminded me of Thursday at Harry's aunties house.

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