Chapter Fifteen- Jealousy

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I had been receiving mixed signals from Harry all week. He would text me and call me and he'd be really sweet. I hadn't seen him since the night at his aunties and I wasn't sure whether I wanted to see him again. I wanted to see him because I wanted to see his beautiful face and to see if he was alright with me. However I didn't want to see him because I wasn't sure how I felt for him and I was afraid seeing him again would only make my feelings grow even stronger for him. All week was spent convincing myself that i didn't have feeling for him, but I knew I did, I didn't like to admit it but I defiantly did.

Mel was ill with the flu, so she had taken the week off. Miles and I were writing down a list of decorations we needed for the Christmas party. Mel's orders. Even though she was ill, she was still emailing us tons of work to do for it. I had started designing the posters to stick around mill lake. Miles was teasing me about my crap drawing and Charlie was talking to one of his old friends from school. 

The atmosphere in the pub was calm and peaceful, which I enjoyed quite a lot. There were only elderly couples and just a couple of men, catching up with their friends. It was never really busy on a Thursday afternoon, which I guess was a good thing. So when the door did open, every ones heads turned to it. My eyes widened when harry walked in with a bunch of his friends, which unfortunately included Nicole. I groaned, seeing them walk over to me.

"Well if it isn't Grace", Nicole smiled, a sickly sweet smile. "Well if it isn't a snide bitch-", I began but Miles cut me off. "Grace calm down", He told me, getting their orders while I worked on the design. I looked up towards harry, disappointed that he pretended that I wasn't even there. I sighed, rolling my eyes and going round the Christmas tree I had drawn over and over again. 

Once they were all seated, I could feel Harry's strong stare on me. I chose to ignore it which was particularly hard. After a while,it began to feel uncomfortable.I looked up towards him. He was sitting beside Nicole, who was trying her hardest to get his attention. She had gone for a low cut top, a push up bra and some tight pants, he still ignored her though. 

"Harry!", I heard Nicole speak. She called his name over and over and he still wasn't listening. "Fucking hell harry, stop staring at that ugly bitch and pay me some attention!", She almost screeched, which snapped Harry out of his trance and caused my eyes to widen. I didn't like to admit it, but it felt kind of nice, knowing that someone was giving me a lot of attention. I finally felt like someone maybe likes me. Of course I was wrong though.

"I'm not staring at her! She's a fucking bitch anyway", Harry reassured Nicole. My heart dropped. I tried my best to ignore it and move on "I don't like hearing them talk to you like that", Miles told me. I shot him a smile. "Don't worry about it, I'm used to it", I laughed it off. If I was honest, it was getting far too immature and childish, why couldn't Harry just handle his feelings like a man. That's if he has any feelings.

"That Nicole girl is one jealous bitch", Miles told me, causing me to burst into fits of laughter. "Tell me about it", I giggled. "Do you want me to make these tonight then?", Miles asked, pointing to the design. I nodded, thankful that Miles was into all that stuff so we didn't have to pay to have it all done. I handed Miles the design, staying put, in the same place I had been in for the past hour.


"She's totally flirting with that Miles guy", Nicole told me. I knew she was trying to wind me up. I was trying m hardest to keep my cool and not get angry, by staring at her soft features and peaceful facial expression, but that only seemed to make it worse, knowing she was laughing with Miles, not me. If I was honest, I was most defiantly jealous, however, I was unsure why and I had a feeling that I didn't want to find out why.

"Flirt with me, we can make her jealous!", Nicole grinned, excited, like it was the best idea in the world. I didn't want to make her jealous, it was a horrible feeling, a feeling that I hadn't ever experienced before and I really wished I hadn't experienced it. With Grace, I had a feeling I was always going to be jealous, when other guys talk to her, even if they look at her, which is hard not to look at her. I wasn't sure why i felt so protective towards her. Gracie was just different from any other girl. Grace meant more to me than any other girl has ever meant to me. I convinced myself that this meant noting but when I saw Kye making his way over to talk to her, the jealousy grew even more.

Anger began to overtake me. Kye was only doing this to piss me off, just to wind me up and it was working. She was shooting him one of her wonderful smiles and I was ready to throw a punch at him. It only took me a moment to remember that Grace was mine. I marked her.

I got up from my chair, Nicole called my name a couple of times but I ignored her. I made my way right up behind Kye. Grabbing him by the back of his top, I pulled him away from Grace. Pushing him into a corner where no one else was. "Kye what the fuck did I tell you the other day!", I reminded him of what I told him after the little get together, which ended in tears. Kye didn't say anything.

"Stay the fuck away from her. She's mine, remember. I marked her", I whispered into his ear, letting go of his top, so he could finally leave. I knew I shouldn't solve every problem I had with anger, but it was the only way I could do it. I scared people with my anger and it resolved pretty much every problem. But this one. Grace wasn't going to be resolved with anger, it took much much more than anger to resolve that problem, but I still hadn't found out what it as that I needed to resolve the problem that was her.

Double update, woo yeah!

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