Thirty One- Meeting

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Today was finally the day I was meeting up with my sister. Nervous was an understatement. My hands were shaking as I looked in the mirror, I was wearing a plain white top and black skinny jeans with my boots. I wish I had Grace here to encourage me to be brave. I wish she was here to tell me that everything would be fine, that I didn't have to be so nervous but I didn't. She seemed a little off with me lately.

The other day when I asked her what was wrong, she told me nothing. Then I got a phone call from my cousin and I had to abandon her at the shopping mall. I didn't want to tell Grace because I felt as if I did then something would go wrong. I went to my car and he told me where I was meeting her, what day and what time. We spent about twenty minutes talking on the phone and when we did get off, Grace was nowhere to be found. I called her, asking where she was and she replied with 'home'. She was blunt and hung up.

I didn't want to ask her what was wrong because I didn't have time for an argument and just wanted to get meeting my sister out of the way first. However I haven't spoken to her since. She didn't pick up my calls or answer my texts, so I left her deciding I would sort it out later. By later I meant after I had met my sister.

I locked my flat door, and pressed the button on the lift, when the doors opened, I quickly stepped in, waiting for it to go down. Soon enough I was in my car, nervously driving away from the parking lot and to meet my sister who I hadn't seen in five years. However when I was driving, following the directions my cousin had given me I found Grace walking to work. Her arms were crossed and her hair was flying in her face. I stopped beside her and she turned to look at me. I rolled down the window.

"You ok?", I frowned. She didn't answer. I sighed "Look Grace I don't have time to speak now but we can speak later. "Of course you don't", She mumbled, turning on her heel and walking away from me. "Grace!", I called. No answer. "Grace!". Nothing, she had already turned the corner and she wasn't coming back. I rolled up the window, slamming my hands on the steering wheel.

"Fuck!", I groaned. Trying to forget about it, i continued to drive but Grace wouldn't leave my mind. I was a stupid fuck up and should've made some time for her instead of completely neglecting her to try and spend time with my sister. My sister was important to me but so was Grace. I couldn't afford to loose both of them, I didn't want to loose both of them and hopefully I wasn't going to.

The radio was playing quietly, helping me think to clear my head. The drive was long seeing as my sister lived quite a while away. I remembered taking Grace to the Christmas tree farm to get a Christmas tree. The same Christmas tree I kicked over, the same ornaments I broke because I was angry, because I fucked up once again. Maybe i needed this. Maybe i needed to come and see my sister, maybe she could help me out, tell me to stop being such a fucking mess and clear my life up. I needed to treat Grace nicely. I was taking advantage of her and that's not what I wanted to do.

When I arrived outside the diner, that's when the real nerves started to kick in. I squeezed my eyes closed and stayed there for a while. How was she going to react when she see's me?Will she like me? Before I could over think anymore, I got straight out of the car, locking it before I could change my mind. I pushed the door to the diner open and my eyes scanned for Gemma. Maybe she wasn't even here yet.

However when I saw a girl sitting at the back of the diner, she was staring down at her phone, so I couldn't exactly tell if it was her or not. I began to walk towards her, my legs were shaky, my nervousness taking over my body. The girl looked up and as soon as I saw her green eyes I knew it was Gemma.

Her lips parted in complete shock. "H-Harry", Her voice cracked, eyes brimmed with tears. "Gemma", I smiled. She shot up from her chair and wrapped her arms around me, crying into my chest. "I've missed you so much", She sniffled. I hugged her back, feeling her tears wet my t-shirt. "I've missed you too Gemma", I smiled when she pulled away, sitting back down. I sat down opposite her. "Sorry, I'm just so shocked", She wiped her tears away. "It's fine", I reassured her. 

"You look so different now, I almost didn't recognize you", She admitted, poking my arms. "You look exactly the same", I told her, causing her to laugh. "I never change Harry". We sat and talked for ages, about life at home while eating some chips. "What's with all the tattoos?", she frowned and I shrugged. Because I truly didn't know.

"Have you met anyone special yet?", As soon as the words left her mouth Grace popped into mind, causing a small smile to form on my lips. "You're blushing! What's her name?", She giggled. "I'm not blushing", I defended, although I secretly knew I was. "What's her name?", She repeated again, eager to know more about Grace. I sighed, licking my lips. 

"Her names Grace", I finally admitted. "Aw, my little brother's in love", She sung, reaching over to pinch my cheeks. "I'm not in love!", I quickly told her. I felt strongly about these things. I had never been in love before and I was wondering if I ever would be in love. "I-I think I fucked it up though", I sighed, playing with the fork. "What do you mean?", She frowned. I didn't make eye contact with her when I spoke. I didn't want to make this anymore awkward than it already is.

"Well, I'm not good with relationships and we've had a few ups and downs purely because of me fucking it up. Then I guess I've been ignoring her lately because I wanted to make sure everything was prepared for today and she hasn't talked to me in a week", I licked my lips, tilting my head to finally look at her. "Oh Harry! Don't ignore her because of this, you don't want to loose her you need to tell her your sorry and explain everything to her", Gemma told me, a frown still etched on her forehead. "I know", I mumbled. "Besides I'd really like to meet her sometime, she seems nice", Gemma smiled, taking a sip of her coke.

"She is nice, really nice", I informed her. We soon got off the topic of Grace and onto the topic of Mum. "Do you think she'll ever want to see me?", I asked her. "of course she will Harry, she's just a little scared of you, I'm sure once I tell her that you've changed she'll agree to meet up with you again, next time you should bring Grace", Gemma reassured me. "She's scared?", I asked. Gemma bit her lip and nodded. "We were all scared of you Harry and now I can see you've changed, i'll tell mum that", She spoke again. I hadn't really changed though. I still had the same anger issues everyone knew that, I even think grace is beginning to find out.

"On other news, Mum's getting married", Gemma started up another conversation. "Married", My eyes widened. Gemma nodded, playing with her straw. "But after Dad left she said she was never going to marry again", I reminded Gemma. "Yeah, but Robin's lovely. You'll like him", Gemma informed me. "No I won't, I don't like anyone". She rolled her eyes. "Same old Harry", She mumbled.

We sat and talked for hours until Gemma had to go. She pulled me into one last hug. "I've missed you, we'll meet again soon", She whispered, pulling away. "Remember to apologize to Grace", She called, walking over to her car. I watched her walk away and got in my own car, making my way back to Mill lake, to apologize to Grace.

Thank you so much for the reads votes and comments, I really appreciate it

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