Thirty Eight- Do I love you?

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It was a couple of days before Harry's birthday and believe it or not I still hadn't got him a present. Harry claimed that he doesn't give a shit about a present but I still wanted to give him one, I just had no clue what. I'd spent hours on end, trying to come up with an idea, but I still had absolutely nothing. I knew he wouldn't really care but I cared, I still wanted to do something special for him. I mean he had made me happy for once.

Come to think of it, he had! I was never happy as a child. I had my dad leaving, then my step-dad then of course there was the bullying and then there's the constant arguments my mum and I had and then Harry, who made me happy. I couldn't help but smile to myself. He really had made me happy.

My fingers were absentmindedly playing with the paper plane pendent Harry had given me a couple of days ago. I felt special when he gave it to me, like someone actually cared about me for once. He told me he cared about me after my mum and I had that small argument. Even though I couldn't tell if he was telling the truth, due to the lack of his emotions. I just hoped to myself that he did.

I was in Harry's apartment, staring at the blank TV, playing my own TV show on the screen. The tv show played my thoughts which were mainly Harry, showing up on the screen, many different snipets from my life flashed before my eyes and I just stared in complete silence watching them, slowly as they gracefully passed the screen, leaving no mark. Just vanishing. Turning back to the blank screen, reminding me that I had so many more memories to make ahead of me. Whether they were or bad, my heart still held many places for them and had room for more.

A knock at the door jolted me from my thoughts. Harry had gone out to go and get some food for later tonight. I had suggested we have a movie night, so he told me he'd go out and get some movies and food. He left about ten minutes ago. I faintly remembering him telling me not to answer the door or let anyone in, however he never told me not to look to see who was present.

I got up from the sofa, I was only wearing one of Harry's overly large jumpers that fell a little lower than mid-thigh, underneath I had my underwear on and that was it. The jumper was a light grey-blue colour. I had pulled my hair into a messy bun, that was lop-sided and hung low. However I still made my way towards the door. Hearing several muffled voices. 

I frowned tip-toeing and looking through the peep-hole. I squinted none of the boys outside the door looked familiar. None except one. I tried looking closer through the peep-hole but it was extremely hard to tell, seeing as it made their heads look like fish eyes. I noticed the guy Harry and I bumped into when we went tree shopping. The one with his girlfriend, Perrie. Zayn I think his name was.

Without giving it a second thought, I opened the door, poking my head round. They all looked at me, confused looks on their faces. "Grace right?", Zayn asked, making sure he remembered my name. "Yeah", My voice was quieter than I intended but I was still shy in front of new people, especially crowds of people.

"Is Harry in?", Zayn asked. "Oh, uh no he should be back in about twenty minutes", My words were jumbled, still nervous. Before they could say anything, I cut them off. "Would you like to come in?", I asked, knowing Harry probably wouldn't want me inviting them in. I knew they were definitely his friends, I wasn't exactly inviting random strangers in. Well they were strangers to me, but not to Harry, so surely they should be welcome into his flat, shouldn't they?

I held the door open for them to enter, closing it softly behind them. I noticed a couple of the boys looking me up and down and that's when I remembered I was only wearing Harry's jumper. "Oh god, I better change", I said apologetic. "Oh you don't have to", The blonde guy smirked. I raised my eyebrow. "Oh come on Niall, she's Harry's girl you don't want to do that", Zayn scolded him as I quickly escaped to Harry's bedroom.

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