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The next morning when I woke up it was early dawn. It was quiet.
I looked outside the window,the weather seemed to be just pretty fine.
There was a rivulet like body visible at a descent amout of distance. This place seemed to be away from the human civilizations.
The area was probably guarded by these men who kidnapped me yesterday night.
I could constantly feel that I am being kept an eye on by someone or the other.

My stomach was growling for want of food now that I had an empty stomach for quite a while.

The door knob opened and an aged woman in her fifties entered the room.
She brought me some kiwis and apples with her and placed them on the table.

"Have these"she said in a normal calm tone.

I was desperately hungry;but more than that I was desperate to get out the clutches of these people.

"Why the hell are you doing all this?I am your hostage, not your guest,you aren't any host to offer me food or to baby me."

She felt the room leaving my question unanswered. I thought,may be she did not know what all has happened till now.Or,may be she knew! However,it wasn't my matter to be concerned about.
But, I had a gut feeling that her face was familiar to someone I have known in the recent days.All thanks to my wonder woman gold fish memory!

After she left the room shutting down the door, I picked up an apple to eat. I used the knife to cut it into pieces.
I felt my body weak; tears rolled down my eyes still clueless about what should be my plan of action.

Atleast for now,I had a knife with me to protect myself though, I thought.

I started rewinding the last day from the time I met my sister after a long time to the time she told me that she wanted to be like me and lead a simple life and the night before when she was speaking to someone with a threat in her voice.

May be there is some connect between me getting stuck in this and between the phone call my sister answered.

The last person that I saw in my freedom time was Xavier.
May be he could help me get out of this!

No! Not possible! He has put me in trouble for so many times in a short span of time we shared together!
I should logically keep safe distance from him.

I remembered the venomous glare that Xavier exchanged with me for the first time we saw each other.
It was highly intriguing indeed.
Since then,his presence has been always a formidable!

But, that's not the point I told myself.

I decided to make an attempt at eloping inspite of the outside cold winds;my tentative plan was to get out of the door when the old lady would come to this room in the evening twilight to serve me brunch,my mind calculated the possibility.
I went near the door to eavesdrop and to check if I could hear footsteps of people on the other side.
I heard none,which meant I could go ahead with my plans.
I bent down to see from the door slit
to check whether there is presence of any one right outside my room.
None!Good thing!

It was post noon!
I saw one envelope hung up to the window!
It was a plain white envelope with no details of the addressee written on it!

Having nothing to do,I tore the fag end of the envelope carefully, to open it.

It had the following:

My Dear Damsel in Distress,

(I giggled for the first time in last eighteen hours I suppose)

Further,I started reading it again,

The times are tough,
The worst enemy to make a new beginning is self doubt!
You will soon be out of this treacherous atmosphere around you,
Do not loose faith in yourself!
We all get into some gutter at some point of time.
But,look at the stars,twinkle your eyes at them!

The time is not right for you to plan your escape now.
Hold on for some more time,keep faith in Jesus!
He'll set everything in its place.


PS :
I vowed before the Christ to bring you back home safe and sound!Take care!
If you need anything, use the extra page to write with the pen I've sealed in this envelope and place the envelope to the place where you saw it the first time!


This handwriting was clearly evident to me!
He is here!My mind ran to the thought of Xavier straight away.
I felt a sigh of relief for a nanosecond.
But I was still unsure of whether it was Xavier or another plot of these men.
But,if he is here why didn't he meet me!

Why did he instruct me not to elope!
Does he have any connect with these black men!

All the sets of questions started whirling around me like the ballet dancers!

It was evening time!
The time to elope was coming nearer and nearer!

Bang! The door opened.

Lots of love ! See you in the next chapter!!

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