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Xavier's POV :

I know I was defying her which was wrong on my part.But,I had to confess to her now,otherwise it would be too late.Too late to rectify the situation.

I made he sit in the gazebo beside the poolside where the fire place was there.

I made he sit in the gazebo beside the poolside where the fire place was there

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Marcus was upstairs and he had warned me not to bring her upstairs.We had an unannounced guests,who were being looked after by Marcus.

She was giving me an intense look,watching me and all my actions like a kibitzer.I brought some papers from my office beside the master bedroom to show her.

"Read it", I demanded.She flipped pages after pages and her annoyed expressions started to evaporate replaced by worry.

"But how,why did you not tell me before?"she asked pulling me to sit beside her and held me by hand,resting her head on my shoulders.

"I told you but you fell asleep the other day,after the Charity Ball."

"Oh Xavier,I'm so sorry for you!"and hugged me side ways.

"Kasandra,how could you think I will leave you,all of the were there when I was no one.Now,when I am at least someone,I have created my own world,however imperfect it is,I will fight all odds for you Sunshine before letting you go away,I cannot afford to go away from you now.I never thought I would have you back in the first instance,so the question of marrying any random Ivanka does not arise,"I assured her.

She kissed the tip of my shoulder and looked at me with a slight smile,her hair hitting my shoulders, distracting me.

"But what have you planned now?"Kasandra asked.

"Let's get back together".I caress her cheek with my thumb holding her delicate soft face,after moving away the curtain of her hair.

Her eyes dazzle happiness,I was glad I had regained the same trust back,mission accomplished,Kenneth.

"Yes", She blushes crimson pink,breaking our eye contact.My not so shy Kasandra,turns shy at unexpected times.

She brings that peace to me, no one can.No one.My place of solace.She makes me breathe out all my problems and breathe in her presence, I long for.

I kiss her forehead,and she my lips.

"But how will we announce it to everyone? Uncle Mercello won't accept this.Never ever.Also,it was my father who promised me to Joseph,the least I can do is,to fulfil his wish,by marrying Joseph",she pulled back instantaneously at a lightening speed as though realisation struck her about her responsibilities towards her father's wish.

"Kasandra,I know there is some catch here,I need time to unfold that.Di'Georgio family is not as simple as they portray to your family.Please keep away from them as much as possible.Also,ask Mia to keep away. Mercello is a cold blooded criminal,taking advantage of his post,he has strong connections with the mafia gangs in Europe.I and Marcus are in the middle of something.And please keep safe, while you have to deal with Joseph.He is an arrogant bastard,and very much eccentric,his anger is something that everyone fears,I don't want you to get kidnapped again",I warned her.

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