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Tense I walk through the door of the hospital. The rumors were whispered in the hallways and elevators of the flat. Every time I heard it, it got worse than the last.
I walk to a lady behind the front desk. She is busy with something on her computer. It must not have anything to do with her work, because she's smiling.
I clear my throat. "Excuse me."
The lady jumps, clicks something from her screen and looks at me with a friendly smile that is obviously faked.
"I'm looking for Evelyn Johnson."
"Oh, she's probably over there." She points at a place behind me. I turn around and see some kind of a waiting room. I frown. This is not the place I expect injured to be.
I thank the lady and walk toward it. There aren't many people in the hall – most of the people go home at night – so I find Evelyn soon. She sits in an uncomfortable chair, sleeping. I can't believe that sleeps well.
"Evelyn?" I say and I shake her shoulder lightly.
She wakes with a start and looks around her. When she sees me she relaxes visibly and rubs her eyes.
"Good morning, Christina," she says, sluggishly from the sleep. I sit down next to her and place a hand on her arm.
"How are you?" I ask.
"Horrible," she answers.
"I heard terrible things."
"Me, too."
"About yourself?" I ask frowning. "Because that's what I was talking about."
"About me?" she says surprised. "What about me?"
"That you were transported to the hospital because of a fire in the kitchen. The injuries were supposedly so bad you had to go all the way to Millenium. You would have breathed in fume, and you would have a sight problem, and burning wounds. Stuff like that."
Evelyn get up panicked. "My food! I forgot to turn it off when I got that call."
"What call?"
"Is my kitchen burned?"
"I don't know! What call?" I ask again.
Evelyn sinks back in the chair. The panic has disappeared from her eyes. The only thing I see now is sadness.
"Evelyn?" I ask softly and I move my hand to her shoulder.
"Tobias had a car accident," she says, her voice unsteady.
"Oh no," I whisper. "Oh, no."
Tears fill her eyes.
"It's so awful, Christina," she cries. "He's in a faked coma right now and..." She tries to pull herself together, but she fails miserably. "What if he doesn't wake up?"
"He will, Evelyn," I try to reassure her. But I know why she's worried; Four wouldn't mind not coming back. "He will. Can I see him?"
"Are you sure?" she asks. I nod. She releases a breath slowly and stands.
I hook my arm in hers. I know she isn't old, but I still support her. She looks like she's about to fall apart any time.
She leads me to Four's room like she walked the way already three hundred times. She probably has.
Four lies on a bed with the head end a bit up. His skin is barely visible through the patches of bandage that covers big parts. The parts that are visible are as white as the bandages.
"He's so pale," I whisper. "I mean, he's been for over three years, but now it looks three times worse."
"It was worse," says Evelyn. "It's almost his normal skin color. Sadly."
"I was hoping I could say his skin is normally colorful and full of live, that it's only because of the accident that he's pale."
She lets go of me and walks to Four. She takes his hand and sits down on the chair next to the bed. I consider my options and walk then to her. I notice she doesn't hold his hand, she clutches it, like he will disappear if she lets go.
Someone knocks the door. Evelyn jumps, even though it wasn't a loud knock. A doctor walks in.
"Good morning, Ms Johnson," he says.
I look at him and try to say with my eyes: 'Did you really say that?'
"I was looking for you. I wanted to tell you that your son is no longer hold in coma. He could wake up any minute now."
Evelyn sobs relieved.
"That's a good thing right?" she asks. "It's good that I hear it today, not tomorrow.'
"It really is," the doctor nods. "It means he's healing like he's supposed to."
He smiles kindly and walks out of the room.
Evelyn clutches at Four's hand again.
"Please, Tobias," she whispers. "Please wake up soon."

A/N - because these chapters were really short, you get three updates.

Be brave & stay alive

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