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Weeks later, I'm finally released from the hospital. Johanna decides to give me some time off so that I can heal completely without stress from work. I take that opportunity to make sure Tris is comfortable. I think I would've been less active if I was just working.
"Tobias, weally, I don't mind a messy floor. Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I can't walk. Besides, I'm only a few weeks along."
"You need to be able to reach the bathroom without problem in case you have to vomit again."
She gives me a look. I laugh and put my hands up in surrender.
"What time do you have to be at Maria?" I ask, trying to change the subject. She takes the bite.
"Three o'clock," she answers.
"Do you need me to give a lift?"
I never went with her to her appointments with Maria, mostly because I was shot and unable to walk, but also because I didn't want to give her the feeling that I think of her as incapable.
Tris nods and smiles at me.
"What are you actually doing there?" I ask.
"Bowing stuff," she says, sighing. "Fiwst a conversation about how the pwevious two weeks went and how many times I fell to the gwoud, and then twying to contwol my emotions with breathing exewcises. Or whatevew she wants me to do."
"Amity much," I say laughing. "Maybe she should give you some peace serum."
"That only incweases the chance of me falling," she reacts. "And if she does, I'll kill her and unfwiend her."
I'm laughing even harder now. Tris tries to throw flames with her eyes. I got to say she almost succeeded.
"Let's just go to Maria," I say. Tris sighs and nods. I know she doesn't want to go, but I want to keep her and the baby save.
Words can not describe my love for them. I don't know what the child she's carrying will look like, or what habits he or she will have. I don't know how sweet or mean our baby will be. But I don't care. I love them. I love them.
Together we walk out of the apartment. I wrap my arm around Tris's waist. She smiles up to me and presses herself closer to me.

+ + +

I forgot to ask how long this appointment was going to take. It's the first thing I regret as I sit in a plastic chair in the hall of the rehab center. I don't regret bringing her or waiting. But I just want to know how much longer I have to sit in this uncomfortable chair.
I put my elbows on my knees and rest my face in my hands, waiting.
"Mister Eaton?"
I look up. In front of me is someone with a white coat, so I assume it's a doctor.
"Maria wants to see you."
I frown and follow the doctor through the corridors of the rehab center until we reach Maria's office. The doctor opens the door and I step inside. Maria sits at her desk and not, like I expected, on the couch.
"Tobias," she says.
"Maria." I nod at her.
"You must be wondering why you are here," she says. I give her a look. Of course I do. No need to mention it. "You see, I don't really trust Tris to be honest."
I raise my eyebrows. "Tris is taking this serious. I don't think she's lying."
"Then you can confirm she hasn't had moodswings."
"I can," I answer.
Maria nods slowly.
"You two need to go through this toghether," she says after a while.
"Obviously we do, since we're married and it's our child," I say, rolling my eyes. "Maria, you really don't have to worry, we got this."
"She is one of my only friends, Tobias. I just want to make sure she's alright."
She didn't seem like the kind of woman to have few friends, but I guess I was wrong. I wonder why she's so lonely.
"I grew up in Amity," Maria starts. "In a moment of blind panic I let my blood drop in the Dauntless bowl at the Choosing Ceremony, choosing something I didn't want and didn't fit in. But then the war came and I figured I could escape Dauntless if I chose the side of Erudite, which proved to be even worse of a choice. I didn't want to go back to Dauntless, so I went back to the factionless. I don't know where I belong."
"If you didn't want to choose Dauntless, then what did you want?" I ask.
"Abnegation or Erudite, I never decided."
I nod.
"Maria, I promise you I will do everything to keep her save. You don't have to worry. And I appreciate your help."
She smiles relieved. "Thank you."

+ + +

Tris has pulled up the laptop I own. She sits at the dinner table and looks concentrated.
"What are you doing?" I ask.
"Twying to find a job," she answers without looking up.
"A job?" I repeat with raised eyebrows.
"What did you think I was going to do then?" she says. "Sit on the couch looking out of the window for the west of my life? No, thanks."
"Tris, you're pregnant."
"So? Just because I eat a little mowe doesn't mean I'm handicapped."
"What if something happens while you're at work? Then I'm not there!"
"Same goes for the apawtment if you'we at wowk."
"Then I'll stop working," I say.
Tris's eyes grow big. "I can't believe you said that! We need that money, Tobias. Thewe is a little kid on the way and instead of wowking extra to get the money for the new fuwniture, you want to stop. I'm an adult, Tobias. I don't need you to watch over me evewy second of the day like you'we my father."
Father. The word keeps ringing in my head. Just yesterday – no, just minutes ago, I was ecstatic about the thought of becoming a dad. But now the word 'father' has that dark part again, that part that had disappeared for a while.
I shiver and try to get rid of that feeling of unease.
"That's not what I meant," I say. "I just want to know that you're okay, and when you're at home the chances are less that you get hurt."
"Not twue."
"Tris, I would never be able to forgive myself if something happened to you!"
"Too bad fow you then that you have no contwol ovew that!" I see her grip the edge of the table, the trembling visible from where I stand. "Besides, what awe you planning to do to stop me? Lock me in the bathwoom?"
"Good idea."
"You know all too well that I'm not the one to sit and watch othews do the hawd wowk. I want to be busy and help. But fine, if you weally want me to stay hewe..."
I won!
"I'll twy to find a job in the Hub, so that you can bwing me to the westwoom when necessawy," she finishes.
I clench my jaw and my nails are biting in the palms of my hands. I need to get out of here before I start breaking things. I walk out of the apartment and slam the door shut behind me.

A/N - so close to 100 votes😊

So I read Carve the Mark and it's AWESOME! Really, Veronica Roth is such an amazing author! But I have to wait so long for the We Can Be Mended epilogue 😢

And it's the first time this winter that there is snow, so cool!

Be brave & stay alive

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