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Once upon a time, there was a young man. He survived a war, but never lived after that. He was always grieving, hurting. His eyes had always been deep-set, but due to self-starvation and the bags under them, they seemed to fall back in their sockets. He looked like a zombie, living in a post-apocalyptic world.
But hidden in a small house was a healer. She heard of this man and visited him. She healed him, but had to use so much strength, she almost died. The man, who was grateful, stayed with her and took care of her.
But then he realized he had seen her in the war. They were close back then, until she died. He was so happy, finding out she was still alive, that the strength he once lost came back, so he gave her back the strength she needed to wake up.
He kissed her lightly on her lips, and she opened her eyes.
The knight in shining armor.
The man called his parents and they took care of the wedding.
They married each other soon after, and they lived happily ever after.

+ + +

Tris and Tobias were happy. Tobias had become a little overprotective over her, and she could get angry about that sometimes, but she knew it was because he had lost her once, and he didn't want to lose her again.
One month after Tris's release from the hospital, she was allowed to walk without crutches. She took that opportunity, of course.
But Tobias couldn't get himself to throw the urn with Tris's fake ashes away, because a part of him was still afraid that this wasn't real. Tris had caught him staring at it.
"You do wealize you're just stawing at an uwn filled with pwobably wood or a wabbit, wight?" she said.
Tobias didn't answer.
"Tobias?" she called again. She put a hand on his shoulder and he shuddered, making Tris drawing her hand back.
"What if I wake up and find out this was all just a dream?" he said, still staring at the urn.
"That won't happen."
"How would you know?" he said.
"Tobias, I'm hewe. Of couwse I would know if I was a hallucination."
A single tear made his way down Tobias's cheek. Tris gently wiped it away. He grabbed her at her waist and pulled her against him. She wrapped her arms around him and let him cry. Guilt filled her chest in a dull ache as she realized she made him like this. It was her who made him doubt reality.
"You have no idea how much I missed you," he sobbed. "Promise me that you won't go away. You have to promise me."
"I pwomise," Tris whispered.

+ + +

Tobias stands in a store now, a few weeks later. He has no idea of what he wants to find here exactly, and there's so much to choose from. He decides to do this in several days. He can't stay away too long, or else Tris might get suspicious, and this store is too big for the short amount of time he has. He starts in the far back and will work his way through the store from there.
The next day he resumes his search. His eye catches something extraordinary. It's simple, but perfect. He picks it up, but then starts hesitating. What will happen if Tris's legs really will give out? And is this too soon?
He shakes his head to get rid of the doubt. He pays and walks out of the store. Time for part two.

+ + +

He hasn't been here ever since that wonderful night four years ago now, the very last year with initiates. He had been terrified then and he's terrified now, but his terror is for a different reason.
The Ferris wheel.
He had decided not to climb, because he was afraid Tris's legs would give out and she would fall to her death. Her real death.
"Please tell me your coma didn't erase memories," he says, and he puts his hands in his pockets to hide their tremble. One skims the small box.
"Memowies? Have I been hewe before?"
He looks at her, his eyes wide with shock. No, it can't be true. Then Tris starts laughing and he breathes relieved.
"Tris, you scared me to death!"
"Good. I meant to," she says grinning. Tobias shoves her arm playfully. "Are we going to climb?"
Tobias shakes his head. "No. I don't want you to fall."
"You don't have to wowwy."
"I do, actually." He breathes in deeply. "Remember a few weeks ago when I thought you weren't real?"
Tris nods.
"Well, this is your last chance to disappear before you hurt me even more than you already would?"
"Tobias, I told you... I'm weal."
"Good, because that night I realized even more how much I had missed you and how much I need you. It's almost unhealthy how much I need and love you, Tris. And if you would die, I would kill myself. You die, I die, too. So please, don't leave me, Tris."
"Of couwse I won't, Tobias."
"Don't interrupt. Now I don't know where I was in my speech."
Tris frowns at him.
"Tris, I know I'm not the most romantic man on this earth, and secretive, and broken. And I don't know how you could get yourself to agree with a relationship, but you did. And I hope that this time you want the same thing as I want, too. Beatrice Prior, do you want to marry me?"
For a moment all Tris can hear was her blood in her ears. Her legs start to get weaker. She stares at the man in front of her, the man on one knee and a small box with a simple ring in it.
Never in her life had she thought there would come a man into her life who wanted to be with her for the rest of her life. Never had she thought someone would love her despite her flaws and insecurities. She was not prepared for this question.
Tobias stared at her as he waited for her to answer, his hope crumbling.
"Tobias?" It was the first thing she said in a minute. She sets her hand on his shoulder to keep herself from falling. "Are you sewious?"
"Of course I'm serious," he says frowning.
"Tobias!" She wraps her arms around him and her legs give in. Happy tears fall onto Tobias's shoulder.
"Yes," says Tris.
"Yes, I want to mawwy you, dumb ass!"
Tobias puts his arms around her waist and holds her tightly against him. She can barely breath, but she doesn't say anything about it, she's too happy.
"I love you, Tris," he says.
"I love you, too, Tobias."
And as the rain starts to fall upon them, he kisses her with more passion and love than ever before. They get soaked in seconds, but they don't care, they don't even notice.
Tobias puts the ring around Tris's finger and looks at it. It's a simple white gold band with a small diamond. Simple but extraordinary, like Tris herself.
Life, to them, is perfect.

A/N - what did I just do here😂?
I'm pretty scared. My test week starts tomorrow and I'm so gonna mess it up😭

Be brave & stay alive

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