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Something is going on with Tobias. Ever since that nightmare months ago, he has been very distant. He's become very formal in his affection and barely talks to the baby. Dark circles under his eyes have reappeared from sleepless nights. Something is clearly bothering him and he refuses to talk about it. I feel like the walls in his mind start to build up again after I have torn them down. I don't know what to do.

I'm almost six months pregnant now. The baby – and my stomach – grows larger with the day. I like my pregnancy. I would've loved it if Tobias wasn't so absent in the whole process.

The alarm beeps. When Tobias doesn't try to turn it off, I reach over him to do it myself. It's quite difficult with a round stomach.

"Tris don't do that!" Tobias says in a panicking tone. "You'll hurt the baby."

He places me back on the bed, his breathing fast and his eyes wide.

"Tobias, it's fine," I say.

He lies down next to me, his arm wrapped around me and his hand on my stomach and his face contorted.

I place my hand on top of his in a reassuring way and he pulls back.

I sigh. This is how he's been acting for months.

"Are you coming with me to the ultwasound today?" I snap. I feel him nod against my shoulder.

+ + +

The whole morning I'm in the Hub, cleaning the mess of paper work someone else left behind. Don't get me wrong, I love being busy here, but I would appreciate it if others knew how to sort paper. I mean, it's not that hard.

Tobias and I leave during lunch. I managed to get Helen as my doctor. I didn't want a new doctor because I trust Helen and I didn't want a guy like Eastwood helping me through childbirth.

The whole trip to the hospital, Tobias is quiet.

"Do you want to know the gendew?" I ask to fill the silence.

He just shrugs.

"Why awe you so quiet?" I say, a little angry. "It's not like you at all."

"I'm just tired," he answers.

"Maybe if you would sleep at night, you wouldn't be." I shift a little in my chair so I half face him. "I don't know what has been going on with you, but you've been so distant lately. I don't like it."

"You don't?" he asks. "Then why have you never asked about it before?"

"I have, and that you fowgot bothews me even mowe. Do you even want a baby?"

He looks pained and he blinks a few times. "Of course I do."

"When was the last time you touched my belly?"

"I talk to her every night when you're asleep, Tris," he says. "When I can't sleep, I talk to her and that helps me fall asleep."

"Her?" I repeat. Tobias blushes.

We arrive at the hospital. Tobias parks the car. With an arm around my waist he walks me to the entrance. Inside we go to the fifth floor. There we sit down in the waiting room.

After five minutes, we're called by Helen and we follow her to a room at the end of the hallway. She opens the door and gestures for us to walk in.

Tobias - after Allegiant ✔Where stories live. Discover now