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"So you're saying that he doesn't remember anything with you," says Christina to clarify what I said in my panicked state.

"Well, some pawts he does, but not ouw fiwst kiss or anything aftew. Oh, wait. I fowgot about my faked death."

"When can we see him?" asks Zeke.

"I don't know," I say. "Now it's only family, and he doesn't want to see Evelyn."

"What!?" Evelyn hasn't said anything this whole time, but now she seems to have found her voice again.

"His mind is with my initiation, Evelyn," I say calmly, but I'm anything but calm. "Once he wemembews he fowgave you he'll want to see you again. I twied to convince him to see you, but he didn't listen."

"And how am I supposed to believe you?" she says angrily.

"I'm youw daughtew-in-law now, Evelyn. Please twust me. Give him some time."

"And what makes you think you can just walk in and leave us waiting?"

"Well, I can stay hewe if you pwefew, but then you won't know anything. At least you know how's doing this way."

"I just want to see my son!"

"And I want to see my husband. He's not the pewson you think he is at the moment."

"Mrs Eaton?"

I turn around.

"Hello, Helen."

"Mr Eaton had a question for you, but the visiting hours are over. I have to ask you this way. He was wondering what you meant with expecting."

I groan. Not again. I decide to lie to stop it.

"Tell him I'm expecting evewything to get bettew."

"Thank you. He wouldn't shut up about it."

I smile a little. "Yeah, I know that. He kept asking me and I wefused to answer. I guess he won."

Evelyn glares at me in jealousy. I take a deep breath.

"I'm going to take a walk," I say. "Does somebody need anything from the cafeteria?"

Nobody answers so I just walk away. Once I'm sure Helen is gone and no one is following me, I walk to Tobias's room. Helen isn't there. I open the door softly.

"Hey," I say quietly.

"Tris," he says frowning. "What are you doing?"

"I know this isn't allowed, but evewyone is going crazy in that waiting woom. They awe jealous, especially Evelyn."

"And what exactly do you want me to do about that?"

"I just thought you might like to see Zeke fow a second."

"He's here, too?" he says surprised. "You never told me."

"I said ouw fwiends. And Zeke is one of them. But do you want to see him, ow not?" I ask and raise my eyebrows. I look through the window and see somebody approaching. "Decide quickly."

"Yes, of course."

"Okay, see you latew."

I hide behind the door. It opens and Helen walks in. Before the door clicks shut, I open it again and close it myself. Then I run back to the waiting room.

Tobias - after Allegiant ✔Where stories live. Discover now