Part 13

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162. No you're wrong so just sit there in your wrongness and be wrong

163. When my hair looks good: 3% at school. 7% at home. 90% right before I'm about to shower.

164. When people are in your dreams it means that they want to see you.

165. Sarcasim, because beating the shit out of people is illeagal.

166. If the people in horror movies listened to me they would still be alive right now.

167. A jealous woman does better reaserch than the FBI.

168. Adele might set fire to the rain but Spongebob can make a campfire under water.

169. Everyone is weird. It's the normal ones that stick out.

170. You're only young once but you can be immature for life.

171. Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.

172. If today was really opposite day we would all be dead.

173. If you're cooler than me it just means that I'm hotter than you.

174. If you're ever held at the point of a gun I'm 100% behind you.

175. On the outside I pretend that I don't like you, but on the inside I melt everytime you smile.

176. We all have that one friend that we love but every once and a while we hate their guts and get the sudden urge to beat the shit out of them.

177. There comes a point in life where you realise who matters, who never did, who won't anymore and who never did. In the end you learn who is real, who is fake, who is true and who will risk it all for you.

178. Find arms that will hold you at your weakest times, eyes that will see your beauty at your ugliest time and a heart that will love you at your worst.

179. I miss the feeling of liking someone. You know, the feeling where all you can think about is how you can make them happier. That feeling when you get a text and automatically hope it's them and when it's not you're dissapointed. That feeling when you just sit infront of the computer and wait for them to come online just so you can talk to them. That feeling when you go to sleep thinking of them and hoping that they're thinking of you. Yeah, that feeling. 


Hey guys. 

I'm so sorry I haven't updated in ages. I will try to update more. Its the summer holidays (finally) so the chapters might not be as long but I will still update. 

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