Part 20

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245. It seems like everyone is in love or in a relationship and just here like I like that tree...that's a nice tree.

246. A friend is like a flower a rose to be exact. Or mayhe a brand new gate that never comes unlatched. Afriend is like an owl, both beautiful and wise. Or prehaps a friend is like a ghoust whose spirit never dies. A friend is like a heart that goes strong until the end. Where would we be in this world without our friends?

247. Even duct dape can't fix stupid....but it can muffle the sound.

248. Sometimes I'm not sure if life is passing me by or trying to run me over

249. In movies everyone wakes up looking beautiful. When I look up I look like a dead bug.

250. If you're talking about me behind my back it just means that my life's more interesting than yours

251. She's my best friend of course I'm going to tell everything you just said

252. I've never read a tombstone saying ' Died from not forwarding to 10 people'.

253. The shit you hear about me may be true but it may be as fake as the bitch that told you

254. I didn't fall the floor was lonely so I gave it a hug

255. Studying is made up of 2 words. ' Students' and ' Dying'.

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