Part 66

731 5 5

626. Guns don't kill people. Dads with pretty daughters kill people.

627. Silence is golden. Unless you have a toodler, then it's very, very, suspisious.

628. Finally made her crush laugh... by asking him out.

629. Friends are like potatoes. If you eat them they die.

630. If you say "Gullible" slowly it sounds like "Oranges"

631. I want to be the reason that you look at your phone and smile... then walk into a pole.

632. Simon says "Jump". Very good. But Simon didn't say land, so you're all out.

633. If I drink acohol, I'm an acoholic. If I drink fanta, I'm fantatastic.

634. Not all heros wear capes. Mine wear headphones.


Hey guys

My cousin has been reading this over my shoulder and been saying it's not funny. Feel free to say otherwise. Lol please let me know your opinions I'd love to hear them

Bye :)

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