Part 45

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469. I hate that feeling when you get or see something so sad you can physically feel you heart split in two. It may be caused by how took it in. Or by the way other people treat you about it. But however it appears, it still has all that power to make you feel like you're nothing. Like you're alive, but dead to everyone. never think you may be happy again. And then the tears start prickling down your soft check saying it's going to be okay, when you know it's not. It's hard to handle this breaking feeling. It really gets to you sometimes and causes things to be unhappy all around you. And there's no definant way out of this saddness, it just kind of eventually slips away for a while until it comes.back. But the thing is, it will always come back.

470. If we cut for attention, why do we try so hard to hide it?

471. What doesn't kill you makes you wish you were dead.

What doesn't kill you makes you jump at the slightest noise.

What doesn't kill you makes you an alcholic and an impossible person to live with.

What doesn't kill you makes you hide in a corner and draw the shades so no one can see it

472. I wish that you could see who I really am- Bones by Ginny Blackmore

473. I'm tired of people not caring about my feelings when I keep all my thoughts to myself so I don't hurt theirs- jaxpaige (me)

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