Part 71

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  • Dedicated to Emma McNeilage

691. I have to be funny because being hot is not an option.

692. *Lying awake in bed* Remembers whole dream.

*Gets up* "Hey mum, I had a weird dream last night"

"What happened?"


—Emma McNeilage

693. What is this yearning tearing at her insides like hunger and thirst? It couldn't be love. Love is warm and soft like a bed of leaves. But this was dark, like the shade under a poisonous shrub, and it was hungry. So hungry.- Reckless by Cornelia Funke

694. People change and promises are broken. Clouds can move, and skies will be wide open. - Take a breath by the Jonas Brothers

695. That's pretty weird-and when I say something's weird, you know it's serious- Adrian, Shadow kiss by Richelle Mead

696. We try to do what's normal, or rather, what others say is right. But sometimes when it goes against who we are... we have to choose- Dimitri, Shadow kiss by Richelle Mead

697. Normal people: *Sings lyrics*

Me: *Sings lyrics*

*Sings back up vocals*

*Sings guitar riffs*

*Head bangs*

*Plays air drums for the entire song*


Hey guys

If you're wondering, Emma McNeilage is not a famous person. She is just one of my best friends from school. She came up with the quote while we were talking about my random dreams so she decided to write it down in my quote book (A actual book that I write quotes to put on wattpad in) and insisted that I post it on here. So yeah.

Bye :)

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