Amy and I are walking over the activity fair. There are a bunch of stalls with different kind of things. Amy and I talked until late last night and I really like being around her. Not in a sexual way, but in a friendly way. I don't have these feelings for her. The only one who I'm attracted to is Chloe. Wait, what did I just say?
,,I'll be right back." Amy say and leave me, just like yesterday, but I don't mind. She just want to sign up for something and me too. I hear a conversation between Chloe and Amy and some other girl.
,,What's your name?"
,,Fat Amy."
,,Um... you call yourself fat Amy?"
,,Yeah, so twig bitches like you don't do it behind my back." I just laugh at the comment. Amy is right though, if I was a little more weighted, I don't think I would come up for myself the way she does. In fact, I don't come up for myself at all. The only one who understood me and supported me, is gone. My mother was everything to me and it killed me when she moved out of the house because of my father. My father cheated on her and abused me for years. I only letting him hit me, because of my sister, otherwise he would've hit her. Nina is everything for me, but I didn't see her for half a year now. She moved away with my mother. I couldn't come with them, because I still had to finish my high school and my father forced me to stay. I miss them like crazy. Sometimes my niece come to visit me, but only when my father wasn't home. Nobody knows about the abuse, except my father, my mother and I. ,,Ah yeah, DJ's. Deaf Jews." I get out of my thoughts. Amy is standing next to me again.
,,Didn't they want you?"
,,They invited me to the auditions. Why aren't you go over there? Chloe is there and I think she wants to talk to you."
,,Why would you think that?"
,,Because she's looking at you this whole time you where in your thoughts." I turn around and Amy is right. Chloe is looking at me. Why the hell is she doing that? I feel a blush is coming on my face, so I turn back only to see Amy smirking at me.
,,You like her, don't you?"
,,What? No!"
,,Beca, your head is like a tomato. Your blushing your face off."
,,Stop it!" I slap her.
,,Au, you didn't have to do that. Beca, it's okay. So what if your gay, I don't care. I still love you the same. I don't judge you."
,,Amy, I'm straight."
,,Yeah, so is spaghetti until it's wet." She give me a wink. I bury my face in my hands. This is embarrassing.
,,Shalom!" A Jewish guy greet us.
,,That's not a real word but keep trying. You will get there." Um... Amy, shalom means "hello".
,,Not a lot of Jewish people where you're from?"
,,No. I did do Fiddler on the Roof though in High school. It was like me and some Aboriginals. It was really Jewish. It was full-on Jew. Hey guys, alright I'll give you my number." Okay, it's time for me to leave. I look over to Chloe who's panicking a little bit. Some part of me wants to grab her and comfort her, maybe a little kiss afterwords. O my god! I need to stop thinking this way! I garter myself together and walk towards Chloe and the other girl.
,,Hi, Beca." Chloe greet me when I'm standing in front of the girls and she hand me a flyer. In fact, it's a flyer from the Barden Bella's, she's trying it again.
,,Are you interesting in joining our acapella group?" The other girl say, before Chloe can say anything.
,,Oh right. So this is like a thing now?"
,,Oh totes." Her blue eyes catch me again and immediately I'm lost. ,,We sing covers of songs but we do it without any instruments. It's all from our mouths."
,,Yikes." I say softly.
,,There's four groups on campus. The Bella's. That's us. We're the tits." Oh no, Chloe didn't just say that and look at me really flirty. ,,The BU Harmonics. They sing a lot of Madonna. The high notes. They're not particularly motivated. And then there's..." She doesn't introduce the guy group, I don't know actually why. ,,So tell me Beca, are you interested?"
,,Sorry, it's just... it's pretty lame."
,,A-ca-scuse me? Synchronized lady dancing to Mariah Carey chart topper is not lame." The other girl say with a bitchy tone.
,,We sing all over the world and we compete in national championships."
,,On purpose?"
,,We played at the Cobb Energy Performing Arts Center, you bitch!" The other girl snaps at me and I take a step backwards. You're so fat! You're so ugly! You are stupid! You're worthless! You are really weird! No one like you! Loser! Hooker! Attention seeker! You are such a bitch! Kill yourself, loser! Every swearword they use to yell at me, come into my head and my breathing goes really fast again. Just like that time in the toilets.
,,Aubrey!" I hear Chloe yell. ,,Beca, it's okay." Her hand comes on my back and she rubs it for a while. She keeps going until I'm normally breathing again. I look into her beautiful blue eyes.
,,Thank you." I whisper, full of shame.
,,It's okay," she starts. ,,And what Aubrey means to say is that we are a close-knit, talented group of ladies who's dream is to return to the national finals at Lincoln Center. Help us turn our dreams into a reality?" I hate to disappoint Chloe, because I really like her, but I don't want to enjoy some lame acapella group, so I have to turn her down.
,,Sorry," I start and Chloe's face just drop. ,,I don't even sing, but it was really nice to meet you guys." And then I don't know how fast I have to leave Aubrey and Chloe. I hate to see Chloe sad, but I really don't want to join that group.

A new beginning
JugendliteraturBeca (18) begins a new chapter at Barden University, after a period of being bullied. She doesn't have much confidence and feels alone and insecure. Will there be someone who will let her believe in herself again?