A/N: This chapter I specially posted for @LykaDiyco because she's been always supportive of this story! Thank you for that, it means a lot to me! 🙂
.Chloe's point of view.
This time I'm having breakfast with Aubrey in the beach house. I was tired out and needed a good sleep, so I went home. Aubrey brought me home and didn't left me. It's sweet of her actually and I never thanked her for everything. She's been the only one who was there for me from the beginning. Maybe I should tell Aubrey about my night with Tom.
,,Spill it out, what did you do?"
,,Wait, what?"
,,I'm just kidding," She laughs, but when I don't laugh about her joke her eyes go worried. ,,tell me what's on your mind."
,,Well, I - um - I."
,,You can tell me anything, I don't judge."
,,Beca is in the hospital for seventeen days now and -"
,,You can't lose hope, Beca is going to wake up, I'm sure."
,,I'm not so sure about that, seventeen days is a long time."
,,Of course it is, but remember as long as she breaths she's not dead yet."
,,Yeah, I guess your right. If Beca's father isn't pulling out the plug right now."
,,What?! He can't do that!"
,,He is her father and about her condition he gets to decide."
,,That's true, but he can only do that after two months."
,,Come again..."
,,If the patient, in this case Beca, lies in a deep coma for two months but doesn't have made any progress a parent is allowed to pull out the plug. But only after two months, not seventeen days. Beca's only lying in a coma for two and a half week!"
,,Are you sure about this?"
,,Of course. I'm a Bella, but that doesn't mean I don't read books." I sigh happily. Beca's father can't pull out that plug! ,,Now tell me the other thing that's been on your mind."
,,I slept with Tom."
,,You did what?!" Aubrey is in shock.
,,I was confused and not myself. I needed attention, someone who could be attached to me. I needed Beca's touch, but she couldn't touch me... I - well, I was in the hospital when I got a message from Tom about a party. I needed some distraction, so I went to the party. I had a view drinks -"
,,You where drunk? What the hell were you thinking?"
,,I wasn't drunk, I swear. I remember everything unfortunately. I was a mess, I couldn't handle Beca's situation and that's why I went."
,,Did you enjoyed it?"
,,No! I hate myself for doing it." I'm tearing up again. ,,How am I suppose to tell Beca this?" I cry and put my head in my hands.
,,So it was just a one night stand?"
,,Yes, although I did do a pregnancy test. The second one in one month."
,,And? Are you pregnant from Tom?"
,,No, luckily I'm not."
,,So why do you think Beca will be mad at you?"
,,Because she hates Tom. I lied about him earlier to her."
,,Wait, what lie?"
,,I told Beca that Tom and I were over so I could be with her, but in reality I was still with him. We only had a break."
,,The night from the accident... did you guys were fighting about this?"
,,Yeah, do you understand why this is all my fault?"
,,It was stupid to lie to her, but that doesn't mean this whole accident is your fault. Don't blame yourself and I know you don't believe me or anyone right now, because you want Beca to forgive you, but I know for sure Beca can't be mad at you for long."
,,Thank you, Aubrey. You are really a good friend."
,,I'll do my best." She gives me a wink. ,,Hé, I'm going to the studio. Miley wanted to talk to me about something. Do you want a lift?"
,,I'm sorry, but I want to be with Beca. I know I'm not putting up to Beca and my promise about the singing, but I can't sing without her."
,,Hé, don't worry about it. Be careful and I will see you tonight here in your apartment. You need more good sleeps, because that will do you good."
,,Thanks again, Aubrey." She gives me a hug and leaves the house after that. I grab my bag and walk to the train station. I can't believe that Beca's father is a heartless man who hates his own daughter. I guess Beca was right. You can't change who your parents are, the only thing you can change is how you choose to deal with them... I get into the train and sit by the window. In seconds my mind went back in time. The time Jeremy, Emily, Beca and I were doing the Ice Bucket Challenge. It was ice cold water, but we had fun. Beca was laughing, until she was getting cramps. Oh, if only she would wake up from her coma...
When I arrive in the hospital, everything is still the same. Beca isn't awake and I'm the only one around here. I can't expect some miracles, but I really hope Beca's waking up really soon. It's killing me not to see her beautiful face every day. I hate to talk to her, while she can't even respond. I hate it when she's not cuddling up to me when she's afraid of the thunder. Every time I'm here, I start crying the moment I walk in, but I can't help it. Beca is the love of my life and maybe I'm going to lose her. I wish I could tell her what I feel when I look at her, but I don't know how.
,,Hé." I look up and see Miley walking in.
,,Hé, I thought you needed to be in the studio."
,,I'm already done and I wanted to check on you. How are you?"
,,I don't know. Beca needs to wake up, that's all I want."
,,I know, but that isn't simple. Beca is fighting for her life, but not without consequences."
,,I know she can be paralyzed, but that's temporary."
,,Chloe, that's not certain. There is a chance that she will be paralyzed for the rest of her life and maybe she has memory loss."
,,Why are you saying all those bad things?"
,,Because there is a chance that Beca will get one of those injuries. A coma isn't something simple." I start crying again and immediately Miley's arms hold me protective. ,,Everything is going to be okay." She says, but is it? I hate to think this, but I'm not sure if Beca's going to be okay. How longer the coma, the more serious her situation can be and I don't want to lose her.

A new beginning
أدب المراهقينBeca (18) begins a new chapter at Barden University, after a period of being bullied. She doesn't have much confidence and feels alone and insecure. Will there be someone who will let her believe in herself again?