,,So, tell me more about yourself." Chloe looks at me with lovely eyes.
,,What do you want to know?"
,,Everything. Your favorite karaoke song, your favorite book, your favorite song and favorite movie."
,,Um, I don't know what to say actually. I'm not that good with words."
,,Please try, after you I'm going okay?" I nod.
,,Um, okay... I'm a big fan of Lord of the Rings, I like Taco Bell, a huge Beyoncé fan, I have two brothers... Jeremy is the oldest with the age of twenty-eight and Damian is the youngest with the age of twenty-four. I also have a little sister, Nina. She's ten years old. My sister lives with my father, Jeremy lives in Miami with his wife, Emma and children, Mike and Stacey. Damian lives in Europe with his wife, Jane and daughter Fabienne. My father is a history teacher and my mother was an accountant."
,,Yeah, she past away two months ago."
,,Oh, I'm so sorry."
,,Hé, you didn't know that." I grab her hand and there goes the butterflies again. ,,I never speak of it actually, you are the first."
,,Why don't you talk about it? Sometimes it helps if you talk."
,,Well, that's a reason for bullying somebody you know."
,,Why would anybody bully you? You are beautiful." My face becomes red and I have to look away for a couple seconds. I swallow some tears away.
,,Anyway." I say and look back to her. ,,My style icon is Cate Blanchett, the best slow dance song is "Rebel prince" by Rufus Wainwright, my favorite color is blue, my full name is Re... No, I'm not gonna tell. It's a stupid name and you're going to make fun at me."
,,Beca, why would I do that? You seem nice, this is so I get to know you. I want to know you, maybe we can be best friends someday."
,,Why are you so nice to me?"
,,Because you are nice too. You are beautiful and mysterious, the two things I like. So please, go on."
,,I'm not going to tell you my full name, but yeah, I don't know what else to say. You know more than anyone at this school."
,,Well, I'm Chloe Beale, but you already knew that. I'm 5'4 and I love to sing. I love the song "Gangster paradise" and Aubrey is my best friend. I have a boyfriend Tom and two years ago, before Tom I had a girlfriend."
,,So you're bisexual?"
,,Yeah and you are straight, right?"
,,No, I'm gay. I don't like guys the way I use to. My father dislike me for years because of that."
,,You've been kicked out of the house by your father?"
,,No, my mother always kept me with her... well, until..."
,,She died. And which dorm are you staying at Barden?"
,,Why do you want to know?"
,,Because I was thinking, maybe we can watch a movie tonight or just talking."
,,I don't like the most movies and we just talked right?"
,,So you don't want to get to know me?"
,,I never said that. Look Chloe, I think you're a really nice girl and gorgeous, but..."
,,Thank you." She smiles at me. My heart beats faster.
,,Let me finish dork."
,,Dork? What give you the right to say such thing to me?"
,,I'm sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you – I'm just hurt before and I'm -" She grabs my hand and looks me in the eye.
,,What do you mean, you've been hurt before."
,,That's private. I will never fall in love, because everyone that has come into my life always made me feel like I'm nothing, stupid or crazy. They always made me feel awful, I can't trust anybody and I don't want to trust people, everybody only does one thing and that's breaking my heart."
,,Beca, please be honest with me right now."
,,Have you've been bullied in high school?" How can she know that? Should I be honest? She knows a lot about myself, but who's going to tell me that I can trust her?
,,No." I'm lying.
,,You're not? You let it look like it. The way you talk..." Now she sits in front of me and look me deep in the eye. ,,Beca, if you let me, I can show you that somebody can love you. That there are people who care about you, who stand by you no matter what. I want to be your friend, I want to help you."
,,Because you are not as bad as you say. I don't know you this long, but I know for sure you are a great human being and I know that one day you will find that girl you've been longing to. There's somebody for everyone right?" Now the tears are coming into my eyes. ,,Hé, don't cry." Of course Chloe have to see the tears.
,,I'm sorry, but it's just that you are so nice to me. Everybody always outed me or laugh about me. Nobody did care and now you're here and..." I hesitate a little bit. Should I tell her this?
,,And?" Chloe is waiting, so I have to right?
,,Because of you I – it's really stupid actually..."
,,Beca, please tell me."
,,I feel safe when you are around me. I have the same feeling with Amy, Jesse and Benji. You guys are so nice to me while I don't even deserve that."
,,Beca, stop saying bad things about yourself. You deserve friends you know. You had a rough time at your high school with the bullying, but that's over. You have to dig it into the past. It happened unfortunately, but now you need to make new memories. Do you want to be friends with me?"
,,I do want that Chloe."
,,Well, then trust me. I won't hurt you, I'm just being friendly and you don't have to worry about Aubrey. I'll hold her down. She doesn't know you like I do, so she has nothing to say about you. May I help you?"
,,With what?"
,,With some therapy? You are traumatized by what happened, but I know I can help you. Please let me help you."
,,I don't know – I..."
,,You don't trust me." I just nod, I don't want to hurt her feelings. Even if I already did. Damn Beca, great! ,,Okay I'll get it. Do you know Miley Cyrus?"
,,Are you kidding me? She's amazing!"
,,Well, I've heard that she's coming to our school to teach for six months."
,,Are you kidding me?"
,,No, I'm hell serious. What do you say if we are going to her class together and get to know each other a little bit? If you're still not trust me after one month, I'll stop trying. Deal?" Chloe put out her hand. Shall I do that? Every day with Chloe for one month... what would Aubrey say about that? What are we going to do that whole month? I really like that fact that she's trying so hard. I like the fact that she wants to be with me even when she has that stupid boyfriend of hers... I damn, I thought all those feelings would have fade away right now, but they are stronger then before. I can say that this feelings are damn serious and that maybe, just maybe, I'm in love with her. Damn!
,,Deal." I shake her hand and after our deal we finish our meal. This is going to be fun...

A new beginning
Novela JuvenilBeca (18) begins a new chapter at Barden University, after a period of being bullied. She doesn't have much confidence and feels alone and insecure. Will there be someone who will let her believe in herself again?