.Two weeks later.
,,Hey Beca." She looks up and sees me.
,,Um, hi."
,,Is there something wrong?" I sit next to her and she shakes her head.
,,No, nothings wrong." I look into her lovely brown eyes and melt immediately. ,,Forgive me that I ask, but what are you doing here? Don't you have class?"
,,I can ask you the same. Are you truant?"
,,What? No!" I put an eyebrow up.
,,So what are you doing here all by yourself then? Kicked out of class?"
,,No, I'm not that loud in class and you should know. We have the same classes."
,,Believe me, I rather be with you than in one classroom with Mr. Smith."
,,Are you giving me a compliment?" I give her a smile.
,,Maybe, you have to find out yourself." I give her a wink, a flirty one. ,,So, how does it feel to be a freshman?"
,,Well, pretty intimidating, you know."
,,Got to see Amanda?" She looks at me, not exactly sure what I mean by that comment. ,,Official BU rape whistle. Don't blow it... unless it's actually happening."
,,Oh yeah, I keep it in the pocket. Just to make it clear, you didn't come to me to make a small talk right?"
,,Wow, what a confidence."
,,I'm sorry, but I saw you yesterday at the activity fair. You are the Bella's captain and you want me in the Barden Bella's right?"
,,Look at you, Sherlock Holmes. Good job, you got me." A smile appear on her face.
,,It wasn't that hard, you know."
,,Next time, it will be." And I give her another wink.
,,Next time? Are you asking me out?" She says in a flirty tone.
,,What? Why would I - No, I'm not."
,,Relax, I'm just kidding." I give her a face. ,,You're so easy."
,,Respect the seniors, young lady."
,,You're way to bubbly for a senior."
,,Thank you for reminding me." I say disappointed. I'm not really disappointed, I really like her... right now, I'm just pretending so I can get her back.
,,Oh my god! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to offend you." She says quickly.
,,You're so easy." I laugh and give her a smirk.
,,You're a dick!" I shake my head.
,,By the way, you should audition for the Bella's tomorrow."
,,Will you be there?"
,,I'm the captain, of course I will."
,,Do I get any benefits of knowing the captain?"
,,Depends on which benefits you're talking about."
,,Chloe?" I wake up because of Aubrey's walking in. It was such a nice dream. It was actually the best dream since long time. I could here her laugh and see her smile. That day was the first day that I felt something for her, that I felt in love with her.
,,Oh, hi Bree." I look to Beca, but she still have her eyes closed. My hand is stuck in hers.
,,Good morning, I have breakfast for you." Aubrey holds up a bag from Home State, the only restaurant where Beca and I are going for breakfast. Beca loves the breakfast taco's, just as I do. Well, first I didn't, but after Beca made me eat one...
,,Thank you, but I'm not hungry."
,,Come on, you need to eat something honey. I know it's hard, but you can't starve yourself."
,,Fine." I open the bag and grab the taco. Delicious, the bacon, egg, potato and cheddar. I take a bite and feel the tears slip over my cheeks. This taco was the favorite taco from Beca. How did Aubrey know?
,,Hé, don't cry." She puts her arms around my shoulders.
,,Sorry, its just - Beca, she always likes this taco's. They are her favorite, how did you know?"
,,I know Beca too, you know." She only says with a wink. I finish my taco and look back to Beca. Why isn't she open up her eyes? Why isn't she waking up? All the nice memories of me and Beca are coming into my mind. I can't handle it anymore! I want to see her smile in front of me, I want to see her lovely brown eyes, I want to hear her laugh again... I break down crying and put my head in my arms, who lying on the belly of Beca. My hand is still holding hers and I'm not planning in to let go. The tears are rolling over my cheeks, making my arms all wet. I hear the door closing, so I guess Aubrey left us alone. I don't care if I'm here on my own, all I want is to be with Beca. Suddenly I feel Beca's hand move. I stop crying, sit up and wipe the tears from my face. I look at Beca and lean forward.
,,Becs, is it really you? Can you hear me?" Her eyes slowly open. I weep for joy. ,,Becs, everything is going to be okay, I'm going to get a doctor." I get up and rush out of the room. I can't believe this is actually happening. She's waking up, at least trying. ,,Sir, miss Mitchell... she's waking up!" I say and drag him with me. When he sees Beca, he turns to me.
,,Miss you have to wait outside. I need some space to do some tests, you can call her family to let them know the news." I only nod. The tests are necessary right? I sit down on a chair in the waiting room and dial the number of Miley.
Chloe, is everything okay? I was just thinking about you.
Miley, Beca... she's - o my god, I'm -
What's wrong?
Nothing, she's waking up!
Shut up!
No, I'm serious. The doctor is with her now to do some tests. It's going to be okay right?
Of course. I'm coming your way right now. I'm so happy for you.
So do I.
I hang up and can't get the smile from my face no more. Beca is waking up! I'm going to smile with her again, to laugh with her, to sing with her... I'm able to do everything with her again. I'm so happy!
,,Chloe!" Miley comes to me and I jump literally into her arms. ,,I'm so happy for you."
,,I can't believe this is actually happening, Miley. She's going to be okay and I'm going to have my Beca again."
,,Shall we just wait until we get some news from that doctor who's leaving Beca's room right now?" I let go of her and turn around. The doctor is coming to us.
,,I need to do some more tests, so can you take her home?" He asks Miley.
,,Wait, why can't I be with her? What kind of tests you need to do?"
,,Chloe, he just wants to be sure if everything is okay with Beca."
,,Is it going to be okay with her?"
,,The danger she was in, is gone. She is stable, but right now she's too weak to do tests. I want to wait until tomorrow morning. As soon as we know more we call her father."
,,Please call her brother Jeremy, he's the one who was here for Beca from the beginning." Quickly I give him his number and let Miley take me with her after that. I'm not sad anymore, because my wish came true. Beca is awake and I'm not losing her forever!

A new beginning
JugendliteraturBeca (18) begins a new chapter at Barden University, after a period of being bullied. She doesn't have much confidence and feels alone and insecure. Will there be someone who will let her believe in herself again?