Beca (18) begins a new chapter at Barden University, after a period of being bullied.
She doesn't have much confidence and feels alone and insecure.
Will there be someone who will let her believe in herself again?
A/N: First of all, I'm so sorry that I'm posting this chapter too late... I was so busy with work, that I totally forget 😬 Well, here is the chapter...
The next morning, I wake up like the last months, happy. Chloe and I are in Los Angeles for two months and it's really going well. Chloe and I are closer than ever and I feel that I have a chance, because Chloe broke up with Tom before we went. She didn't want to date him, because of the distance and I can't help to be glad that it's over. The only thing I need to do is make some moves, because we both feeling something to each other. Every morning Chloe is making breakfast and she's making me feel special. Is there a chance that she like me to? I go out bed, get dressed and walk out of my room towards the kitchen. I see Chloe sing and dance while making some eggs. I stop and just watch. Her voice is like an angel, her perfect body is so sexy that I can't wait to hold her and her eyes are ocean blue. I drown into them every time I look into them.
,,Good morning." I say while walking to the counter. She turns around and place a hand on her chest.
,,Don't ever sneak up on me like that! You scared the hell out of me!" I just laugh.
,,Don't be such a baby."
,,Fine, no eggs for you." A pout comes on my face. ,,No, I'm not falling for that."
,,Please, I'm hungry."
,,You're always hungry. You scared me, so no breakfast." I stand up, but before I can go to her, she runs away. I only laugh harder and run after her. When I have her, I push her on the couch and sit on top of her so she can't get away.
,,Say you're sorry and that you will let me eat some of your eggs."
,,No, you get nothing." I grab her by her side and begin to tickle.
,,Say it!"
,,I won't stop until you say it."
,,Okay, fine. Stop, I'll say it." Immediately I stop, but keep my hands to her side, in case she don't say it. Chloe just takes a minute to catch her breath and look me in the eyes. ,,You can have some eggs."
,,I'm sorry."
,,Good girl." I say playing and rub over her head, just like petting a dog.
,,You're crazy!" Chloe say while standing up.
,,Yeah, but you love me."
,,I do." She say and turn around in shock. ,,I mean, I do love you, but as a friend. Not in a loving way. I - oh my god!" I just start laughing about her embarrassment. I don't know why she's so tense, I don't want to force her. I feel that she loves me, I only hope that it's more than friendship.
,,Take it easy Chlo." I grab her hands and that's when she starts crying. ,,Hé, it's okay."
,,No it's not," Her eyes find mine and I hate seeing her so sad. ,,I've been lying to you this whole time."
,,What do you mean?"
,,Beca, Tom and I didn't broke up." I let go of her hands and take a step back. Two months she's been lying to me and getting closer to me. We almost kissed last week. Did she just use me? I don't get it.
,,So this whole time you made me feel special, you let me trust you for nothing?"
,,You are special. I don't know what to say. I know I was wrong, but..."
,,You damn right you were wrong!" I yell. Yeah, I'm angry. She used me! ,,You have no idea what you were doing to me do you? All those touching and cuddling, I was feeling safe around you. I couldn't care about anything else but you. I trusted you. I thought that I had a chance, but you don't care about me at all!"
,,That's not true. I care about you a lot."
,,If you wanted to be with me, you had to break up with Tom."
,,I wanted to break up, but I couldn't. He's been an important person in my life for two years. He's not only my boyfriend, but also a good friend. I couldn't break his heart."
,,Oh, that's funny because you just broke mine. Everything was just fake. Our friendship, our singing... why don't you want to be with me? We both know we are attracted to each other. Why can't you just admit it?"
,,I don't know what I'm feeling." I take a step forward, grab her neck and kiss her. The fireworks are showing. She's in love with me, I can feel it, but what is her fear? She can't deny this feelings. Suddenly she push me away. ,,Beca, stop! I am with Tom."
,,But there was a moment Chlo, don't deny it!"
,,I love Tom." My heart breaks in a million pieces. She lied to me for two months. She was leading me on while she's still attached to Tom.
,,You are unbelievable! Are you proud of yourself? You made me fall in love with you and were always by my side and now you just tell me you are still in a relationship with Tom?!"
,,You are in love with me?"
,,Jesus Christ, really?! That's all you can say to me right now? Yes, I am in love with you, but don't worry it will fade away."
,,Don't call me that!" I point out my finger to her. I'm incredible angry right now. I'm going to regret every word I say, but I can't help it. I trusted her and she just stab me with a knife. I shouldn't have trusted her. Everybody is the same! They only care about there own ego's! ,,It's Beca for you! You know what? I can't stay around you anymore. I'm done with whatever this is, I'm done with you... I'm just done!" Chloe grab my arm, but I put my arm from her grasp and take my headphone of the table.
,,Where are you going?"
,,Somewhere you're not." Quickly I put on my headphone and run out of the house. I need to think and put Chloe out of my mind. I start running away from the house.
,,Beca!" I hear Chloe yell after a view minutes. Damn, she just don't stop! I just need to think. I didn't mean anything, but I was angry. Everyone should always leave me alone when I'm angry and that also applies to Chloe. I just need a minute and then I can make it right again. ,,Beca, please. I can explain, you didn't get it. You didn't let me finish. I love Tom, but I am in love with..." I don't want to hear her confession anymore. I put my music on, hard enough so I can hear nothing. It's quiet and I like this silence. I keep running away, until I feel my breath is going to fast. I stop from running, but only to catch my breath. I look around and see Chloe call my name. She's wearing my white T-shirt with "sleep tight, I bite" on it, which she stole away from me because she likes it so much, a black skinny jeans and her blue Adidas shoes, which is my favorite pair of shoes.
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Is she trying to kill me? She knows how much I like seeing her in my shirt, she knows I think she looks hot in that skinny jeans and she knows that that pair of shoes my favorite is. When is she going to stop following me? I just need some time alone! I take a deep breath and run further, but not for long tho, because my head and left side hits a car and when I land back on the ground, everything is black.