I shoot upright, screaming out Beca's name. When I see her lying here, I let out a sigh of relief. It was just a dream! I wipe the sweat from my forehead and realize that I've fallen asleep. The doctors will be mad at me, because I'm not allowed to stay here in the evening. I think back to Nina's words; 'You have to kiss her, true loves kiss will work' and smile at her cuteness. I know it's impossible to wake her up that way, but I want to kiss her so badly. I can not reach her lips because of the tube inside of her mouth. I have to wait until that tube is gone.
,,Good morning." I look away from Beca to the door and see Jesse enter the room with Stacie.
,,Let the "good" away! It's a new morning, but there is nothing good to this day."
,,Did you slept in here?"
,,Yes, I didn't mean it, but I was tired of crying and just fell asleep last night."
,,Are you still blaming yourself? Was that why you were crying?"
,,Yes, because it is my fault, Stace. Beca and I had a fight about Tom."
,,I thought that fight was about your feelings?"
,,Yes but I told her that I love Tom. When I was about to tell her that I am in love with her and that Tom is more a good friend to me, she didn't want to listen and ran."
,,The only thing Beca wanted to hear from you was that you love her."
,,I told her that, but she couldn't hear me because of her headphone."
,,Damn girl, that's bad." Jesse turns to Beca. ,,How long is she's staying like this?"
,,I have no idea. There isn't been any doctors yet. I want to know to because then I can kiss her."
,,You don't want to disappoint Nina, that's so sweet!" Stacie say and make an 'aw' sound.
,,Good morning." Right on time there comes a doctor. I sigh. Stupid people! There is nothing good about this day. He walks over to Beca and checks everything. ,,Everything is fine. She had no problems during the night. That's a good sign."
,,How long will she stay like this?"
,,I can't say that. Miss Mitchell is stable at the moment, but I need to do more research to find out."
,,Is there a chance that she can breath on her own again?" I ask. I just want to kiss those lips of hers.
,,She is breathing on her own. That tube is only for support. She can't breath enough to stay alive right now, that's why we connected her with the wires and the tube."
,,Couldn't she just wear a mask to breath? I hate seeing her in this state."
,,No, at the beginning it isn't possible. She had a big accident. Maybe after three days, but I can't say that."
,,Why is she tide up to the bed with her pulses?"
,,If she wakes up today or any other day, it's possible that she's panicking about the tube. So in order to prevent the patient, in this case miss Mitchell, from pulling out the tube, the wrists are tied to the edge of the bed."
,,Do you think she wakes up?"
,,If the condition permits, we can stop our treatment and then it's up to miss Mitchell self to wake up."
,,Can we do something to help her awaken?"
,,There's a lot you can do. It's important that you don't speak to much about her, because it's possible that she can hear you. Talk with her, not about her. Hold her hand, let her know that you are here."

A new beginning
Teen FictionBeca (18) begins a new chapter at Barden University, after a period of being bullied. She doesn't have much confidence and feels alone and insecure. Will there be someone who will let her believe in herself again?