.Chloe's point of view.
The moment Beca leaves our apartment, I quickly change into a black skinny jeans and grab Beca's T-shirt with "sleep tight, I bite" on it and put that on. Under the skinny jeans I put on my blue Adidas and when I'm finished I run outside. Beca doesn't understand. She didn't let me finish and I wanted to say something totally different. I love Tom, but I am in love with Beca. I'm in love with her since the moment I saw her, but until now I have ignored every feeling. I'm stupid to agree on that break. When I told Tom I needed to talk, he was begging me not to leave him. I couldn't break his heart, so I agreed on the break. Way to easy, I know.
,,Beca!" But she keeps on running. Damn, that girl! ,,Beca, please. I can explain, you didn't get it. You didn't let me finish. I love Tom, but I am in love with you. Please don't leave me, I'm so sorry for lying." I don't know if she can hear me. I have no idea of she's playing music on her I-Pod. If she does, she doesn't hear anything. Suddenly she stops running to catch her breath. This is my chance. I run further. She turns around, check me out when she sees me and after that she starts running again. This time she's not going to far, because she get hit by a car and stay unconscious on the ground. More people get around the car, who did stop the moment it hit Beca. A young man looks at Beca with his hands in his hair, another woman keeps asking what happened and an older man is calling 911. I can't do anything right now. The accident... it's all my fault! If I just told her immediately that I love her, she wouldn't run away. I can't just stand here! I need to see her! I run to Beca and kneel next to her. I start shaking her. ,,Beca, wake up. Please wake up, I'm so sorry. I will make it up to you, but don't leave me." I yell at her for a couple of time with tears falling down, before a paramedic pulls me away from her. I want to scream, but I can't. The only thing I can do is cry and yell her name.
,,Miss, do you know this girl?" One of the paramedics comes near to me.
,,Yes, she's my gi - friend." I correct myself. I wish she was my girlfriend, but because of me she's unconscious right now. I was a coward. Why didn't I just tell her? 'Beca, I am in love with you', that's all I had to say. Why didn't I say it?
,,Can you tell us what happened?"
,,She was running and get hit by that car." I turn around and run to the guy who was driving the car. ,,You could have killed her!" I yell with the tears falling again.
,,I couldn't stop anymore. She was on the road so quickly. I tried to stop, but I couldn't anymore."
,,You had to try harder! If she dies it's all your fault!"
,,Sorry?! She's the one who was coming out of nowhere. I don't know why she was running and had no attention to everything around her, but she just run on the road. I think she couldn't hear anything because of her headphone." I start crying and sit down on the sidewalk.
,,I'm sorry, I know it's not your fault."
,,Miss?" The paramedic is in front of me. ,,Can you give us her name so we can call her parents?"
,,Beca Mitchell, but I will call her father. I have his number right here. Please take Beca to the hospital, she can't die!"
,,Okay. Please call her father and you are free to go to the hospital." I nod and not long after that the ambulance drive away with Beca in it.
,,What have I've done?" I say while bury my head in my hands.
,,I don't think it's your fault."
,,It is! Stop acting like you care and go away! For a part this is your fault!" I yell to him again. He doesn't say anything and just leaves. I need to call her father, but I know Beca doesn't want him in her life. She had banished him out of her life after he kicked her out of the house. That's what she told me. What shall I do? Somebody has to know that Beca is in the hospital. I grab my phone and scroll through my contacts. I need advice. Aubrey? I consider it, but no. she doesn't like Beca at all. I need somebody who cares about her. When I want to scroll further, Miley's name is showing. I pick up the phone with a shaky voice.
Chloe, you don't have to shake like that, it's just me. I have great news. Is Beca with you?
Then I will call her after you. You guys are invited to sing at the diner. You know that big one where a lot of people will come.
Wow, that's great but I don't think Beca can make it.
Why not? She loves that diner. You were with me when she told us. About her ritual with her mom. Now a sob escape my mouth. Wait a minute. Why are you crying? What's wrong?
Beca can't come because she's in the hospital.
Oh my, what happened? I can't answer and start crying again. It's all my fault! Where are you?
The bus station around the corner of the house.
Stay there, I'll pick you up. Did you call her father?
No, I don't know what to do.
Just stay there. I'm coming and than you can tell me everything okay?
Thank you Miley.
You're welcome. See you in about a minute or ten.
And than we hung up. The tears are falling out of my eyes. What happened is all my fault! I'm the one to blame. I'm stupid! I shouldn't have let her go, I should have stopped her and tell her I love her, but now it might be too late.

A new beginning
Novela JuvenilBeca (18) begins a new chapter at Barden University, after a period of being bullied. She doesn't have much confidence and feels alone and insecure. Will there be someone who will let her believe in herself again?