.Beca's point of view.
Back at the house, they all help me through the door and lead me to the couch. Very nice and everything, but I can still walk.
,,G-guys, I can w-walk, you k-know."
,,We know!" Emily says. ,,We just... we were so worried about you, that's all."
,,Aw, Em." Chloe close the door and join us on the couch with me while Jesse microwaves a bag of popcorn.
,,So, what's the plan?"
,,Horror m-movie m-marathon, d-duh!" I yell immediately.
,,Shouldn't you be taking it easy? A horror marathon sounds pretty stressful." I still don't know why Tom is still here and why he's talking.
,,Yeah, why don't we do something more relaxing?" Emily agrees with Tom?
,,This is how I relax."
,,Now that's scary." Benji claims and I roll my eyes.
,,Before we start, could we maybe talk first, Beca? Alone?" I nod and follow Chloe to the hall, while the rest fill bowls of popcorn.
,,Listen, Chlo... I k-know there's a lot w-we should talk about. B-but for now, I just w-want to enjoy the rest of m-my w-weekend d-drama-free, okay?" I say before she can start.
,,That's fair. I just want to know that you're okay... that you're not just putting on a brave face for the rest of us."
,,I... I'm okay. I think. I just... I'm embarrassed, I g-guess. And a little scared of how easily I lost control."
,,I get it. But you don't have to be embarrassed, Beca. Not with us."
,,Thanks, Chlo. You're the b-best. Now, let's g-go w-watch some horror m-movies!" We walk back to find Benji and Emily look through Beca's stack of movies, their faces growing more wary with each frightening cover.
,,Why do you like these, Beca? They all look so scary!" Emily show me a DVD cover and I just giggle about her reaction about the cover.
,,Hey, it's k-kind of still m-my b-birthday. I m-make the rules!"
,,Fine." One and a half movies and three bowls of popcorn in, Benji and Emily watch through their fingers while a cheerleader creeps through an empty locker room on the screen.
,,Please don't go in there... just go outside and call 911 or something! No, no, no, no-" Just then, Tom's phone rings, making Benji jump. ,,Aah! Silence that thing, dude! You almost gave me a heart attack!"
,,Sorry, sorry. It's Kaitlyn. I'd better take this."
,,Should we pause the movie?" Emily ask, but Tom ignores her when he steps into the kitchen to talk to Kaitlyn. After a view seconds, Tom hung up and sigh deeply.
,,Sorry guys, Kaitlyn needs me. I gotta go." FINALLY!
,,Yeah... sure." Whatever! Disappear already, I hate you! After Tom leaves, an awkward silence hangs over us.
,,Okay, I'm just gonna say it. Kaitlyn is the worse." I put my hand up and give her a high five.
,,Right? That was even more painful to watch than half the kills in this movie!" Jesse says and now we start laughing.
,,W-well, w-we d-don't need Tom to have a g-good time, right?" I asks everyone, but mainly looking at Chloe. Tom's her ex-boyfriend and I know she's still busy with him. I don't know why, but she is.

A new beginning
Novela JuvenilBeca (18) begins a new chapter at Barden University, after a period of being bullied. She doesn't have much confidence and feels alone and insecure. Will there be someone who will let her believe in herself again?