The next morning I wake up because my phone is ringing. Yeah, I'm still with Beca. I don't break my promise, not this time. I know she can't see me, but I hope she can hear me or feel me when I hold her hand. I want to let her know that I'm with her. It's a message from Tom. Hello love. Guess what? I throw a party this evening, alcohol and everything to forget all your sorrows. Are you coming? X T. I hesitate, but why not? I have grief and sorrow. I don't think Beca's going to be awakening tonight, so what can one night of fun do for harm? I message Tom back that I will be there and hold Beca's hand. I know that I'm breaking my promise, but Jeremy and Jesse are right. I can't sit here all day without having a little bit of fun. I need to live for myself, not for Beca. I can only hope that I'm here when she finally wakes up.
,,I'm sorry." I say crying. I grab my phone, someone need to be with Beca tonight!
Chloe: Hi, I'm going to a party tonight, can you be with Beca tonight? I don't want her to be alone in case she wakes up.
Miley: Why are you going to a party? Is Beca awake?
Chloe: No, she isn't. That's why I need to go, a little fun take away my sorrow.
Miley: Drinking isn't the solution.
Chloe: I'm not going to be drunk. Please Miley, it will mean a lot to me.
Miley: Sure, but be back tomorrow afternoon. I have a meeting, so I can't stay longer than 1pm.
Chloe: I will, thank you Miley.
I give Beca one last kiss on her mouth and leave the room. I will be here first in the morning. Tonight is going to be fun. When I'm home and lay in my bed, I feel how tired I am and fall asleep.
After a view hours I wake up again and look at the time. 9Pm... the party! Quickly I go out of my bed, run to my closet and grab a nice dress. It doesn't care how I look actually, because Beca isn't there to look at me, but yeah it's a party. I'm glad we live here in Los Angeles. Now there are no parents with questions. My mom always ask where I'm going and my dad always warn me about boys and sex. I already did it, so no need to say something about it. The last thing I grab is my purse and walk to Tom's apartment. Well, not exactly his apartment, but his parents summer apartment. Tom is here only for two weeks. As I walk closer to the front door, some drunk kids are stumbling outside almost tripping.
,,Chloe!" Tom rush over to me and give me a loving hug, which I don't give back. ,,I missed you so much. How are you?"
,,How do you think?!" I tell him flounder.
,,Sorry, I don't mean to offend you. I know you have a lot on your mind with Beca."
,,Wait!" I look him in his eyes. ,,How do you know about Beca? I didn't tell you."
,,Jesse is still a good friend of mine. I saw he was a little down, so we talked."
,,That son of a bitch! He had no right to tell you about her."
,,Hé, it's okay. You need someone too, you can't go through this alone." He put his arm around my shoulders and I feel safe. I don't have butterflies anymore, but right now Tom is giving me attention. I long to attention and maybe some love, because Beca can't give it to me. ,,Do you want a drink?"
,,Yes, please." Tom doesn't let go and walk with me to the bar where he order two martini's.
,,Cheers." Tom hilt his glass and after our toast we take a sip. I can feel the gin in my throat. I can notice that I've haven't been drinking alcohol the last view months. ,,Are you okay?" Tom ask me and I nod. I need more cocktails, but I'm fine. ,,What do you think about drop shots after that martini?"
,,Drop shots are nice, but no thank you. It's still alcohol, but you don't notice it because of the drop. I just want to have some fun, I don't want to be drunk."
,,Okay, another martini after this one than?"
,,Sure." If only I knew where I said yes to...
After a while I'm a little tipsy and dancing with Tom. My arms are around his neck and his hand lay still on my waist. "Can't stop this feeling" from Justin Timberlake is playing and I love that song. It made me think a little bit of Beca. I still remember that time when I walked into her room when she was dancing along this number. It was so funny. I'm thinking about Beca, while I'm having fun, but I can't help it. I love her more than anything and it's not weird to think about the love of your life right?
,,Hé, are you okay?" Tom snaps his finger in front of my face to get my attention. I pull him closer and put my lips on his. He's taking aback first, but than he push me against the wall. One hand begin to message circles in my hip as the other is slipping under my dress.
,,Oh..." I breath out, moving subconsciously closer to him as Tom begin moving his fingers in frantic circles over my underwear. ,,Shit." I sigh, grab him by the back of the head and pull our lips together again and slip my tongue in Tom's parted lips, moaning as Tom's fingers increased his pace. The entire situation was thrilling for me. The feeling of Tom moan and beg against my lips, and of course the moisture on his fingers letting me know exactly how much he wants to continue. I know I should stop, but I want to feel loved, something Beca can't give right now. Tom can't hold out much longer, push me roughly towards a couch and straddling me once I sit down, making quick work of moving my lace thong to one side then before sliding a finger inside me. All the time our lips remain as one. Tom don't doubt on putting another finger inside of me, nothing soft or tender about the way his agile digits pick up his pace. It was around this time that my head fell from Tom's face, now attach to his neck instead, were I begin to bite and nip at his skin, all the while my pants and grunts become increasingly sharp and needy. Tom's fingers find my G spot and begin to curve his fingertips into it, knowing exactly how I like to be touched. He knows this would result in me coming undone before long. I feel a hand slide up and begin to pull and scratch at my breast, tweaking the nipple until I stood erect. Tom pace up his hand and goes faster. My walls clench tighter around his finger each time his fingers move inside of me. Tom pull my lips back up to meet his just in time, feeling the long undulated moan press into his mouth as the orgasm screamed through me, causing me to shudder and grip at Tom's shoulder with my free hand.
,,Let take another round upstairs." Tom whisper into my ear. I should say no, because I am thinking about Beca all the time, but I'm turned on like hell. I only wished Tom was Beca right now. I look Tom in his eyes and nod. He pick me up and carrying me in his arms to his bedroom.

A new beginning
Teen FictionBeca (18) begins a new chapter at Barden University, after a period of being bullied. She doesn't have much confidence and feels alone and insecure. Will there be someone who will let her believe in herself again?