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Tonight is the night...

The night I leave and start a new life.

A life that won't have me fearing every minute of the day...

A life that will bring me real love...

A life that I can reall be happy with...

Dark skies bring dark clouds that will rain until I flood in my own sorrow, tears, thoughts, emotions. No one loves me. No one will care. No one will miss me.

Mom slowly killing herself of a drug addiction, her abusive boyfriend, dad committing suicide when I was 5. Family...? What family? I take care of my little brother. He's the only family I have.

We're gonna start a new life...

I sighed and took a quick glance at my alarm clock on my dresser.

1:35 a.m.

I dragged my body out of bed and ran my fingers through my curly, brown hair that sits above my shoulders.

I stood up and walked towards my closet. I opened the door being met by the very bright light that automatically comes on.

"Shit," I mumbled rubbing my eyes. I grabbed my duffle bag and threw it onto my bed. At this point tip-toeing and peacefulness is what kept my mother from waking up along with her so called "Man."

I walked to my door and opened it slowly tip-toeing into the hallway. I strutted until I seen my mother's room door cracked causing me to quickly jump back.

"Don't be awake.." I prayed over and over. She turned over and went back to snoring. Her Man? God knows where right now.

I continued my walk until I reached my brother's room. I opened his door hoping it wouldn't make a noise. My mother can be a light sleeper sometimes. All hell would break loose if she knew what I was up to at this time of night.

I glanced through the dark room with only small light bouncing off the walls from the Tv playing. I quietly leaned onto his bed and shook him slightly.

"Bubba come on," I whispered.

He didn't move.

I used my strength and sat him up. He moaned and groaned about not wanting to get up.

"Bubba come on. Remember I told you we're leaving this bad place?" He shook his head and I cleaned the boogers off his eyes. He rubbed them and began to pout.

"When we get on the bus you can go back to sleep okay?" He looked at me with his light brown eyes. Every time I stare into those eyes I find myself falling. I have to protect him at all cost. Leaving is the best way right now.

"Otay," He got up off the bed. He stood up in his little spiderman boxers and scratched his tummy. "Get your bag we packed yesterday and grab your night light," I said. He followed suit and I went in his drawer pulling out a shirt and some pants.

My brother,Maverick, is 5. He's very capable of doing things on his own since my mother never did. It was me and him taking care of each other. He shouldn't be having to learn how to do some things I do at such a young age.

He sat his bag down on the bed and I dressed him. It was probably cold outside, so I grabbed him a jacket in case. "Ok put your shoes on," I said.

Runaway (StudxStud) |Completed|Where stories live. Discover now