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I drove to Kay's house with dried up tears on my face.

I was still shaking, but not as bad as earlier.

Now about this damn car...

"Fuck it," I whispered. I was now down Kay's street, the man from earlier wasn't home. He didn't see me, so he doesn't know who took it.

If he don't know, why not just put it back the way it was?

At this point I don't give a damn if it's smart or not. Im just tryna get back to Maverick.

I parked the car where I found it earlier. His ass better be thankful and make smarter decisions, or niggas like me got more chances of having new whips.

"What am I saying?" I shrugged. I got out the car looking both ways and limped across the street. I knocked on the door and it swung open with a pissed off Kay standing on the other side.

"Macey where the fuck have you been?" She practically yelled. I didn't know if she actually cared or not, but I didn't feel like she did.

"Why do you care?" I eyed her and walked in the house bumping her shoulder.

Before I could turn, she grabbed my wrist.... right where the fucking cuffs dug into my skin.

"Bitch!" I winced in pain retracting my arm back and immediately grabbing where it hurted. I bit my lip and inhaled a big breath and exhaled slowly.

"What Happened to you Macey?" She asking taking a step towards me causing me to take a step back.

"Just don't, ok?" I said softly. I walked to the guest room and Kay trailed behind me like a puppy dog. I could honestly say it was annoying, but I would be worried too if shit like that happened.

I opened the door and Maverick jumped off the bed, almost breaking his fucking ankles, and ran towards me.

"Maceeeeeeeey!" He wrapped his arms around my torso, I silenty whimpered because where he squeezed me hurted. I played it off by hugging him back and kissing his temple.

"Why you leave sissy?" He asked.

I looked into his eyes and thought about what happened earlier.

I sighed and smiled weakly, "Sissy was out handling some business." I said pushing his hair back with my fingers.

He turned his head slightly and seen the red marks around my wrist, I never did once realize Kay was standing behind me.

I can feel her eyes burning a whole through my head. I know she's beyond pissed right now, but it's not the time nor place to display it.

"What happen Macey?" He slowly traced his finger down the cuff marks with dried up blood. He stopped and examined his finger, I'm guessing to see if It was real or not.

Sadly it is, but he doesn't know that, "Don't worry buddy I'm ok, I just had a little accident." I assured him with a smile. He smiled back.

"Why don't you take a bath, then come with me, so we can go home." I said.

"Why?" He pouted. I hated when he did that, but I can understand why he's doing it now. I don't want to go home, but my mother is crazy and because I'm at my girl, technically ex's house, she'll be quick to call the police and say Kay was keeping me here, and Kay would be charged with harboring a runaway, though I didn't run away...

Runaway (StudxStud) |Completed|Where stories live. Discover now