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"Good day Mr. Jones," I smiled at my geometry student. He can sure act a fool in class, but whenever I assign work he's amenable to do it. I like him just not the way he acts.

"You too Ms. Mikhail." He smiled walking out of my class.

I sighed as soon as I heard the door close shut. Now I have to go home and deal with my wife.

Weird shit has been going on with her. Besides wanting to always stay in the house and not work, she's been throwing up a hell of a lot, pissing every other ten minutes, and she's been on a diet and she can't even maintain that.  I tried asking if she wanted to go the doctor or the ER, but she refuses. I'm gonna end all this shit today though I can tell you that.

I grabbed my briefcase and sluggishly walked out of my classroom. On my way, I had a couple goodbyes from other teachers. I'm friendly with them, but I keep my distance unless I'm in meetings or any other social activities of that sort.

I walked out the school, unlocking my car in the process, then getting into my car. I threw my bag over into the passenger seat, starting the car up and leaving the school's parking lot.


I finally arrived at home. Traffic down the highway was horrible as fuck, but right now I need to prepare myself mentally and emotionally before I walk in this house. I've just about had it with Casey. She doesn't try to go to work, now she hates cleaning, she stays wanting to order some damn take-out...

Fuck I look like eating some unknown shit repeatedly seven days a fucking week? I'm wifing your ass up, so get up and cook for me. Hell, I do it for her. I don't see why she can't do it back.

Besides that, she has just been demolishing our morals we both have together in this household. I'm not pleased with her actions here lately.

I got out the car and went into the house. Of course, she was still sleeping. Like how on Earth do you sleep for a long period of time? No not for me.

I put my belongings on the couch and immediately began to inspect the house. Nothing looks out of place, besides a few dishes in the sink. I'll take care of it.

I head upstairs and it's dead silent. She didn't even hear me walk in.

I need to think before I go in there and start World War three.

I inhaled and exhaled deeply before opening the door. To my surprise, she wasn't in the bed. The sheets were pulled back indicating she must have just gotten up. It couldn't have been any more than 10 minutes ago.

I turned my attention to the bathroom door. Being nosey- I can't be nosey it's my motherfucking house.

I put my ear against the door and heard her talking with the shower running.

"That's why my damn water bill so fucking-"

"Can you just come by?" She asked. It sounded as if she was irritated with whomever it was on the phone.

Who the fuck is she on the phone with?

"But how the fuck you gon' leave me in a situation like this?! It took the both- yea I know but I don't give a damn about her right now. This is between me and you!" She yelled.

This bitch bets not be talking about me nor what I think she talking about. "Nigga don't play dumb the bitch taking dick from another bum ass dyke." My inner me said. As much as I want to think that's happening I refuse to listen to it.

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