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I put the letter down after another episode of crying uncontrollably.

I just have to accept it. I'm not even going to watch the news when it happens. She gets executed tomorrow and right now my heart is absolutely broken. I feel like nothing. Tomorrow someone I've fell in love with is going to be gone for the rest of my life. Erased off the face of the Earth and everyone won't care cause they see her as a serial killer and sick individual. I see her as a loving and caring person, but my view isn't the same view the world sees.

I wiped my eyes and fixed myself up. "Maverick let's go!" I yelled for him trying not to make my sorrow obvious.

I heard his feet pitter patter across the floor and he came out dressed. He jumped up with excited chanting "grandma here we come!"

I couldn't help but laugh. It was so cute. I grabbed Kay's car keys and we exited the house, locking the door behind me.

We got in the car and I started it up. I turned on the radio not sure what station to change it to, so I kept it where it already was.

"Good morning and welcome to Madhatta Morning show, today we bring you the news that Kaylee Will-" I quickly changed the station not wanting to hear her name. Probably mentioning that she's close to her execution date.

I looked over and Maverick's head hung low. God this might be harder than I thought. Maverick has a very soft spot for Kaylee. He adores her and they can never get enough of each other. Everytime I would have issues with my mom, I would leave to go to Kay's house. He didn't want to stay and I definitely didn't want him staying there, so he would go and stay a couple nights with me and her. Since the first time it happened, she would treat and care for him like that was her son, little brother even. Without Kay me and him won't have anyone.

I grabbed his hand and kissed it smiling at him, "We're gonna be ok..." I said softly. He shook his head and we continued to drive in silence.


"Shit we're gonna be late!" I yelled stumbling to get out of bed. I fell straight on my ass. I looked over to see my wife still sleeping. Did she not here me?

Angrily, I shook her awake. She groaned turning over and mumbling something with her stank ass breath.

"Casey if you don't get the fuck up Imma punch the shit out of you!" I yelled yanking back the covers. She knew I could not afford to be late, neither could she. It's her first day back since she's been on vacation. Truth be told her "vacation" ended a week ago. She's just been calling in sick or for a family emergency. If I was her boss, who's a dumbass, I still would have fired her.

She groaned back in response, "Why?" She asked groggily. This bitch...

"I'm tired of your- you know what..." I threw my hands up in surrender. I'm fed up with her shit and today after I get home I'm going to deal with. Right now I got thirty, well twenty-three minutes exactly, fucking with this girl, to get do my hygiene, get dressed, grab something to eat and take a ten to fifteen minute drive to the high school. I work as a Geometry teacher. Honestly I love my job, but sometimes it's a shame when you'd rather be at school dealing with 600 kids than at home dealing with your wife's bullshit.

I quicky rushed and did my hygiene, then went into my closet quickly picking out my outfit for today. Simple, my suit was black, sharp-looking, and well fitted. I decided to go with no tie. I wore a white button up underneath to go for the original black and white look. I dress for a sophisticated look in order to match my character and intellect. Classy describes me.

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