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We were still eating as Kaelee drunk herself back to sleep. I knew titty milk always had to be good.

Anyway, I'm gonna call up a few of my connects and get this shit handled with this Nubia bitch. In the mean time, I think I should talk to Macy about all of this.

"So Macey baby, I was thinking last night.."

"Mhmm," She took a swig of her orange juice then sat back giving me her full attention, "Everything ok baby?"

"Yea, but are you sure you want to stay in this house and not get your other one back? It's still in your name you know?" I looked over at Kaelee and she was still sleeping.

"I mean this house compared to that one? Plus I think that'll be disrespectful if we leave this house high and dry, take the money, and go right back over there." She said.

"I don't give a fuck about it being disrespectful or not. You have your own house, you don't need this shit or that money because the minute you do something they don't like she's going to start blackmailing you. Mark my words babygirl." I warned.

She can't be stupid enough to think that they're just going to let all of this go and let her live. I know how sneaky his family can be and trust me his sister ain't that much of a saint now that I think about it.

"Whatever Kaylee, we'll be fine here."

"You want to live in the same city that all this shit happened to you because of a house and some money? I can get that easily and we can live someone else ba-"

"Kaylee enough. You just got home and you talking about connects and getting houses and shit when we have one right here. Stop going out of your way to do shit when it's already in front of you." She said coldly. I nodded my head.

I got up and put my dishes in the sink and pushed Kaelee's bassinet over in front of Macy and she gave me a sympathetic look. "Baby I-"

"Save it.. I'm looking out for you.. us." I said. "I understand that we're in a good place right now but in a long a simple decision or act can change all of that. But it's whatever." I walked off and went into the living room.


I don't know why Kaylee thinks everybody is the enemy. We're finally stable and I don't think Valerie would turn on me like that. She's going off the deep end.

"Come on baby.." I whispered as I picked up Kaelee out of her bassinet. She started to stir and I wanted to wake her up so she would sleep tonight instead of being up all night and me getting no sleep.

"Mmm.. Hi momma's baby," I kissed her cheeked listening to her make cute little baby noises.

I really miss maverick. He would be so happy to see me, the baby, and especially Kaylee. They were the best of friends even when me and Kaylee were on bad terms. She never let our relationship effect theirs. She did any and everything for us especially him.

I walked into the living room and sat next to Kaylee bouncing the baby slightly. She closed her eyes and slept. I'll let her sleep for about 20 minutes.

"Look baby I'm sorry I just want us to be settled and try making life better for us." I said softly.

She nodded and leaned over kissing me. "It's okay baby.. I know but sooner or later you're going to have to use your street smarts. Not everybody is there for you and I know you know that." She said as she carefully took Kaelee out of my arms. She kissed her forehead and sat there staring at her.

"God you're beautiful just like your mother.." She whispered. I blushed super hard. I'm sure you can tell. "But mommy is gonna get it to-Oww," she winced.

I hit her in her arm but not hard enough to actually hurt her since she had the baby in her hands, "You don't speak like that in front of my baby."

"Your baby?" She looked at me with Big eyes. "Ooooh so we saying that now,"

"Noooo babe-"

"Oh nah then it's your baby so-"

"No daddy.." I dragged and we both laughed. "Aye Aye Aye, don't be speaking like that around my baby.." She said seriously.

"Shut up.." I laughed. "Go get dressed baby.." She told me as she got up.

"Why? Where we going?" I asked getting up to follow her.

"Don't worry about it, just get dressed and I'm going to get her dressed." She said as she went into Kaelee's nursery.

"Hmm alright.." I went in the room and began getting dressed.
I had to update a little something. Also I put up up 2 new books which some of you may know about one but I put up another.

• My Best Friend's Brother
• For Your Eyes Only

Go to my page and check them out

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Much Love,

Much Love,

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