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I know it's been a while and I apologize. I have been really busy with school, track, select basketball, and some more shit. I am coming back better than ever. Thank you all for your patience and feedback.

Ya'll the realest💯✨

Macey woke up in the hospital. Not feeling any pain. She figured she was alright, but not her baby.
"Macey..." A soft voice called out. Turning her head, Macey met face to face with Nubia. She looked tired meaning she must have been here all night.

"Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?" She asked.

Macey fixated her gaze to the ceiling. She was in no mood to answer her question but she needed to know.

"Because..." She started, "I was scared of what you were gonna think of me."

Nubia still couldn't believe she did this to her. It's her fault. The doctor said the baby was fine but Macey wasn't awake to hear that.

"Is my baby ok?"

There was a slight knock on the door. It was the doctor coming in along with a policeman. Macey sat up steady but quickly feeling uncomfortable. She didn't know why he was here but she knew she wouldn't be here for long.

"Hello Macey, Good morning." The doctor smiled pulling a clipboard out from the holder on side of her bed.

Macey nodded her head, "Morning.." She mumbled before staring down the cop that was watching Tyler Perry's Meet the browns on tv.

Sweat started to build on Macey's forehead while her nerves jumped. She was hoping he was here for another reason rather here to take her and Maverick back to that hell hole.

"Good news, your baby is fine. You being in your first trimester, twenty percent of women have first trimester bleeding. Nothing serious unless the bleeding was continuous. Luckily, once you got here it stopped. We ran test and did MRI's and Scans and you and the baby are fine."

Relief waved over Macey. She was already starting to bleed, she just found herself in a bad position with Nubia.

"T-Thank you, is the baby healthy?"

"Very, in fact, we did an ultrasound to confirm it. I can get your nurse to deliver the pictures to you within ten minutes." He smiled.

Macey smiles back but was still unsure as to why the policeman was here. "Oh and this is Officer Kujio, he has been patrolling the hospital with me. Don't be spooked, Ma'am." He chuckled, "We've been having a. lot of patients come in from violent situations along with criminals and the police of the city sends a couple officers over every now and then."

Macey nodded her head in silence. When really she wanted to scream. She was happy that she wasn't being taken back home. This also meant her mother didn't report them missing. The love she has for her children...

Nubia was mumbling to herself after the doctor, along with the policeman, left. It wasn't audible but she could tell something was bothering her.

"Nubia you ok?" Nubia popped her head up wide-eyed, "Y-Yea... Yea I'm fine. I'm fine... How do you feel?"

"Better... I'm worried about you though," Macey said.

"Why?" Nubia asked looking away. "I thought I was going to be the reason why your baby could've died-" "But she didn't,"

"She?" Nubia glanced at Macey.

"I want it to be a girl," Macey smiled, "-but seriously, Nubia it's ok."

She shook her head, "No it's not... Never have I ever did that before. I don't know why you made me so mad..."

"I said some things I shouldn't have. I took it out of proportion by calling you something you weren't or even by referring you to it and I'm sorry..." Macey said softly.

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