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"Two weeks Macey... you got this." I had to boost myself. I'm big as shit and all I do is eat, piss, sleep, and waddle around this room. I haven't seen daylight in weeks.

"Kaelee baby your killing me..." I mumbled. She loves to kick the shit out of me, and when she moves she does not give any fucks on wether or not my skin can stretch that damn far.

I have two weeks until my due date. I've made my decision but I wish I didn't have to make it.

I turned my tv on and watched spongebob. I started feeling pain in my lower back. I felt this last week but I don't think it means anything.

I sighed. I want her out but at the same time I want to keep her so I have more time with her. I still don't understand why they'll take her only a week after I give birth. I find that humanely stupid. A baby, a newborn at this, needs its mother for at least two to three months in my opinion. You never know I might have to breastfeed or something.

I want to get out of this room... out of this city and this state.

I'm still working on a plan to get Maverick back. Nubia most likely told him I abandoned him. I'm sure she did by now. Maverick would be broken.

We have never been separated in our life. I've took care of him since he was born. When our dad died he was really clinging to me more than he did before. He was young. Our mother showed no love so he found it through me. I taught him everything he knows. I know he'll take what Nubia is telling him very hard.

"Ouch..." I felt that sharp pain again. It wasn't strong but I felt it. This time it was coming up the side of my stomach.

I stood up but immediately sat back down. It happened again but this time it was stronger.

"No no no Kaelee not today..." I panicked. I can't be going into labor today. I'm not ready.

Maybe if I just relax and lay down it'll stop.

I lied...

"Fuck..." I winced.

I carefully got up and helped myself reach the door by grabbing onto nearby things. It was becoming hard to walk.

I opened it and I heard feet rushing. It was Tee. He told me his na-

I don't give a fuck your about to be in labor!

I almost fell but he caught me. "Shit..." He said. He got out his phone and called someone.

Let it be 9-1-1

This was becoming more unbearable. The pain is awful but I'm not even at the peak of giving birth.

"Owww..." I whined. Tears almost pricked my eyes. This is deadass painful.

"Momma!" He yelled through the phone.

"Nigga call 9-1-1 fuck your momma!" I yelled clinging onto his shirt.

"I'm on my way! Lay her back down and stay there with her!" I heard Renee yell.

He did as told and I laid back down.

Another sharp pain came from no where, "Shit!" I grabbed my stomach.

"Look my mom is coming to take you to-"

"Nigga Shut Up!" I yelled at him. I don't want to hear his voice right now it's making me mad. Being pissed off while in extreme pain will drive me nuts and have me taking somebody life while giving one.

The door flew open and there stood the stepmother and the ugly ass step sisters.

She rushed over to me touching my stomach by I pushed her hand back, "Don't touch me.." I growled.

Runaway (StudxStud) |Completed|Where stories live. Discover now