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Macey didn't know how to react towards what took place. Mind you, Macey gave in to her desires way to early. Shit, she shouldn't have done anything or even thought of it in the first place, but when you have practically been celibate you want it. The reality behind that was with Macey being a former prostitute that she somewhat enjoyed it. Far from ever being right. She wanted to feel pleasure not someone forcing her to have sex. She couldn't help but she realized she is seeking pleasure from the wrong person. But if not her, then who? 

Macey went back upstairs and slowly crept into her bedroom, Mavey still sound asleep, and quickly but quietly found some boxers, a sports bra, and an oversized t-shirt to throw back on. She wouldn't dare go back to fetch what she originally had on. 

She snuck out the room snaking her way back downstairs. She found Nubia fixing herself up. 

"Hey.. Umm-"

"What?" Macey asked rudely.

"I'm sorry about earlier," She rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly.

Macey rolled her eyes and kept walking to the kitchen. She was starving and so was her growing unborn baby. She was craving something but she didn't know what. She couldn't exactly put her mind on it until Nubia walked into the kitchen right behind her.

"Look I know it was wrong but I couldn't help it,"

"You couldn't? " Macey furrowed her eyebrows together,"Yes you could have! Why don't you call your soon to be ex-wife over and fix shit up with her. Then I'm sure you can fuck whenever."

Nubia huffed and started shaking her leg, "whatever,"

"Go get your brother up and get him dressed." Nubia instructed.


"I told you I was signing him up for school." Nubia said.

"Today though?"

"Yes! Now go get him. I have to go to work in 45 minutes."

Macey huffed and walked upstairs. She opened the door to her and Mavey's room to find him still sleeping. He must have been really tired.

"Mavey get up!" Macey yelled flipping the light switch. Mavey stirred but still didn't wake. Macey groaned and walked over to his side of the bed yanking the covers back.

"Maverick get up! You're gonna start school today," She said shaking him awake. He sat up and rubbed his eyes yawning. 

'"Come on buddy," Macey said picking him up and placing him on her hip. She carried him to the restroom and took him a nice bath.

She dried him up and helped him with his hygiene dressing him properly. It was hot around here.
Mavey went downstairs and Macey followed. Nubia was standing near the island on the phone.

Macey went into one of the cabinets and grabbed him 2 Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal bars.

He grinned when Macey  handed them to him. Nubia was finally off the phone. She looked stressed but it wasn't Macey's business as to why.

"You ready Maverick?" Nubia asked smiling at him grabbing her briefcase, phone, and keys.

He nodded in excitement but Macey noticed he didn't have any school supplies.

"He doesn't have any school supplies or a backpack." Macey said.

"It's alright, I can get it all. They have supply list. I'll get it when I sign him up. Plus he isn't going today. Most likely they'll wait to start him tomorrow since he didn't sign up prior to today." She said going towards the front door. 

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